And the winners are…

Day 4,336, 13:43 Published in Netherlands Australia by JackTrout

First, let me say Cheers! to everyone who sent me a crazy hat image. Goodonyas for continuing to have some fun in this game. 😃

Second, let me say What are the rest of you slackers up to? Too hard to find a cool and creative hat? No second prizes!

Ok, ok, who got the loot?

First prize, eNetherlands: El Gorro won 10 gold! For this hat…

It's distinctive, and elegantly simple.

First prize, Revolution et Libertas party: NoTie112 won 10 gold! For this - well, bandolier, actually…

Well, they say any army runs on food!

First prize, international entries: Rabbit of Caerbannogg won 100 q7 tanks! (with my apologies for being completely unable to spell your name) For this hat…

Stylish. Original. We like.

And a special award for creativity and dedication to “Let’s have some damn fun here” goes to Rabbit of Caerbannogg for numerous creative entries. Rabbit won 999 q4 food for this hat:

Excellent use of luggage.

And here's a Link to all of Rabbit’s crazy hats, which include frogs and other diverse hat materials:

And finally, my own fave:

Thanks to all who entered! I applaud your spirit of crazy hatness, and just plain craziness. 😃

Cheers all,