A Turk's Journey to the Motherland and First Impressions [Status Update]

Day 4,881, 07:24 Published in Russia Turkey by DeliDenizHoca

As some of you know, I've recently became an e-Russian a few months ago, because of my love towards the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. memes and my enthusiasm to Russian culture.

For over a year, I've been listening a lot of Kino, Molchat Doma, Ssshhhiiittt, some of the best depressive post punk bands out there, Russia must truly have been the birthplace of Doomerism. Couple this with my obsession to Andrei Tarkovsky movies such as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and it became a grand recipe for my enthusiasm towards this nation. I'm not much of a socialist, but this Gopnik mindset mixed with hopeless hostility towards nature alone was awesome to me in a way I can't really comprehend nor explain. Tried to learn Russian myself, but I didn't have much time since I am a full-time worker irl. A teacher, in fact, hence the part of my name "Hoca", because it means teacher in Turkish. I do also drive a Lada Samara that is older than me, I named him Bahtiyar, Soviet engineering at its best, the beautiful beast has never let me down, though he burnt a hole in my wallet.

I don't spend much time for the game altogether but what I don't like is being misunderstood.

But then the problems arose when the fire nation attacked, I made a troll post about it on my party's wall and situations got heated a lot quicker than I expected, I don't feel any remorse for what I did, you should learn to have some fun in your life, and if you're too much of a stiffy morning wood to comprehend that, I simply don't care that your jimmies get rustled so quickly.

Despite having some disagreements with the Russian "high command" and them being not the very humourous or tolerant people on Earth, I will remain a Russian citizen and stay under its cores, so will be all of my companies and I have decided not to work in them for the time e-Turks keep occupying the regions. I don't hate e-Turkey neither do I have much sympathy for it. I had my own share of dumb people on that side that I switched over to here, which is a subject I don't really want to delve too deep onto, since there were also a lot of friendships I made on that side of the wall as well.

I won't let some racist people ruin my enthusiasm for this e-nation. Even if she liberates itself from e-Turkish rule, I won't join the assembly, just to prove those who treat me like the elephant in the room wrong.

Long story short, may whichever god you believe in protect you!
Cheeki to you, breeki to all. Cheers.

P.S.: Send me a quick PM if you can't see the awesome doomer pictures I've linked here