A new name for Bulgaria

Day 3,590, 06:47 Published in Greece Cyprus by gio2aleGR

Hello my friends,

I decided to write my first articles to finish that Plato’s article mission. In my first article I write about my friends from Bulgaria.

Bulgaria was always (since I joined eRep) one of the 10 strongest countries in the game. Since last year’s wars against Greece and their alliance(MPPs) with Asteria they became one of the 5 strongest countries. They became better-organised and stronger by buying packs for many d4 accounts with using their cc, they had big daddy’s(Asteria) help in whatever they wanted, etc. So, after becoming stronger and having Asteria’s support, they also became arrogants, ironic against their opponents. They started threatening a lot of countries (Greece, USA, Turkey, Cyprus, Argentina etc) about wiping them from the map.

So after this behavior I decide to give them a new name. I thought of many names but I can’t decide which name suits Bulgarians better so I want your help with the nomenclature.

1.) When I joined the game I was seeing one name for Bulgaria that many people using for their behavior after they left Eden. This name is still being used today by a lot of people here:

- Lolgaria

2.) One big part of their behavior is trolling. Trolling all the time in feeds and articles against opponent countries or players. So the second name is obvious:

- Trollgaria

*** I don’t know why but when I see this pic of troll face, Old 7 comes to my mind xD 😃 😛

3.) As I said above, they started threatening many countries to attack and wipe them. They feel so powerful (knowing also that they have Asteria’s support) that they think they can attack and wipe almost every country in the e-world. Bulgaria strooonnnkkk. So we can see in the feeds and articles a lot of phrases like ‘’we’ll wipe you’’, ‘’we’ll show you’’, ‘’ we’ll f*** you’’(bonus tranlation= we’ll make love to you xD ), blah blah. This is a bullying behavior so the third name is:

- Bullyingaria -> Bullygaria

4.) But, there is a big BUT(t) here. Although they are threatening countries all the time, at the end they are doing nothing. Like they did 2 days before. Their CP proposed a NE law against USA. During that I saw a lot of posts like ‘’we’ll wipe you USA’’ BUT at the end we all saw this
Someone could say that it was only their CP's decision and most of them didn’t want to attack a Romania’s ally. Another one could say (myself included) that they have no balls to attack USA. So the fourth name is:

- noBallgaria

*** For Game of Thrones fans only ^ ^

5.) We all have seen Bulgarians talking in some articles about the rl economic crisis in Greece. They call us Merkeland, bankrupted, blah blah. Like they are one of the richest countries in the world. Like they are aristocrats, kings or noblemen xD Some of their neighbors support them in this too (LOL). Anyway, according to them the fifth name could be:

- Noblegaria

*** If someone hears an English man saying the word noble, he will hear something like ‘nobol’.
If someone hears an English man saying the word no-ball, he will hear something like ‘nobol’ too.
So, if someone hears an English saying either noblegaria or noballgaria, he will probably assume that he means the word noballgaria, as the phrase no ball(s) is more common than the word noble. Just saying xD

6.) In Greece we have this saying: ‘The snails come out after the rain’. We can use this saying metaphorically for people who are getting out of their caves only when they feel strong. Ofcourse when the rain comes again, they go back to their caves xD
So the last name is:

Saligaria xD

*** Saligaria is the exact greek word for snails (= σαλιγκάρια) in greeklish (greek words with english alphabet letters)

You can choose which is the right name for Bulgaria and say it in the comments.

*** I’m not perfect in speaking English, so I apologize if I did any mistakes there.
*** My next article will probably be about some changes admins could do to the game.
*** Your 25 comments please. Vote and subscribe if you want. You could also shout it if you liked it.

Cheers and beers,