[Unity] Argy Bargy with a Willy.

Day 2,770, 09:07 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

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Greetings fellow denizens of this somewhat smaller eUK.

So I've had a full week at the helm of the party and it's been very nice to be back. We've had a few folks vanish for various reasons (none I am told are down to me) and a few new folks want to get involved. We old people like to meet new people, it gives us someone to talk to in our dotage so if you feel the need drop me a line.

Argy Bargy

It's been a pretty full on week within the country as a whole. Two things have dominated Argentinians and Willy. No this is not some recipe for a certain type of holiday but very serious beans stuff!

Some serious beans

If you've not noticed we be under the kosh from the Argentinians. Look all around you and we're being engulfed like a small bean trapped in a tin. This in turn has led to congress discussing the possibility of a wipe and what will happen thereafter.

At this juncture I'd like to go into some really intricate detail about our plans and suchlike but

a)It's not very interesting.

b)We haven't agreed on anything.

We're down to one region but that region is London. So, (begin bagging drum) let's defend it to the hilt.

There's still a London

Speaking of Pearly Queens

Something else happened this week but I'm struggling to recall what it was...

The happy one

This week congress voted on whether or not to suspend/delete King William, the eUKs very own Ajay Bruno impersonator, from congress. This was proposed by another member, probably a crazy right winger they usually are. Anyway it all boiled down to Willy offering all sorts for votes and no none of them liquorice.

I personally voted not to suspend/delete/poke Willy because whilst he is very silly he is not a danger to the country. Gather round and I will now tell you why...*

Nobody with any ambition of winning anything would pretend to be the RL Prince William. Most, if not all, sane minded RL British people would rather see a polished proverbial on the throne. In game he thinks he's an equal to HRH King Woldy, who I've heard he wants to depose and replace. So he's never going to be popular.

He also claims to have the solution to all our ills but never seems to actually tell us what it is. Sorry I tell a lie his solution to all our ills is having him as our glorious leader.

Added to this he also seems to hold a certain Ajay Bruno (google it) in very high regard - I can post some screenies but he'd only cry foul.

With all this in mind it is clear to see that he is only a danger to himself and with that in mind we at the Unity Party urge you all to offer Willy your kindness and give him a hug.

How to hug a Willy

On a side note it'd also be nice if UKRP could start focussing their attention on us again. We feel a bit left out and as you all know we can not pontificate about how wonderful and virtuous we are without them being all evil and right wing. So get it sorted!

Presents if you try

As well as mediating between UKRP and King Willy this week I'll be sending out some messages to the party and if you respond something nice will happen.

Juan King

We will also be offering up our One True King legislation which will once and for all declare Woldy to be the one true King.


If you want to be in congress, if we have a country, get in touch and such like. I will be giving preference to active folks and special bonus points to people who have articles.

That's it.
Go away

Love and Shove,


*It is tradition for all Unity Party Presidents to talk to you from a high horse upon a moral high ground. It's part of the job.