[ukGov]The Horice's for March

Day 1,598, 07:36 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by National Newspaper Association

As we wind down this term, and look forward to another cruelgreat month from Talon Karrde, we've finalised our list of awards as was announced here.

Let's start with the sillies, shall we.

The Horice for Most Creative Forum Signature goes to Arthur Wellesley. His signature literally has nothing to do with Erepublik, and anything that mixes italics with AFRICA should be recognised. His brilliance is clearly ahead of his time.

The Horice for Most Horrible In Game Name goes to invalidi_vozodovac1, or, what would have been a better choice, Nebojsa. I mean, really. What the hell.

The Horice for effective use of tail in an article which was almost borderline offensive goes to Lauren Taylor. I don't think we need to elaborate here. Anyone who has articles deleted because of pornographic images from the Administration here at Erepublik really has done something worthwhile.

The Horice for Most Effective Troll Article goes to Sir Nick Griffin for his sheer baw at not getting his way. I mean, who knew you had to submit a resume when applying for a job.

The Horice for the best Cannot Into English Newspaper is painkiller789. Even as a member of his party, I can't understand what he says half the time.

Now, let's move on to some more serious ones to see who from our great society has been, well, great.

The Horice for Best Name goes to Iain Keers. I'd bet none of you could find his address or phone number or anything (huahue).

The Horice for Best Avatar goes to Emergy Maxfell, for his creative use of the carebear.

The Horice for Best New Writer goes to one of our more active new writers, our very own Lily Jayne Summers. While she's not "brand new", she has hardly written until this month, and we welcome her contributions to our media page. Now, if we can just get more "commentary". 😛

The Horice for Funniest Article goes to Emperor Richardum Cranium, for this article. I'll leave out the rest of the obvious commentary here.

Lastly, let's go over our lifetime achievement award. This award is actually being won by two people, whom we feel are equally deserving (and therefore, we don't want to be deadlocked on the issue 😛).

I "met" this person for the first time about a year ago. He was always a bit more reserved than most, speaking primarily on economic matters, but was known for his damage as well. He had a smaller circle, and due to his odd work schedule, he was online during hours (on IRC) that most British, English, Welsh, and Scottish were (or should have been 😛) sleeping. He routinely swept in and stole night BH medals for the UK.

Over time, he became more and more vocal and open. He got involved within the community, and has blossomed into one of the nicest, and most intelligent players we have. He has a fairly vast economic empire built up, and not only that, but he has given away thousands of tanks through the Government and helped newer players set up their own RM mine schemes.

Simply put, he's been amazing, and it's about time we recognise his contribution with an absolutely worthless award!

The second person is also one of the more "behind the scenes" players in the UK. He has played for quite some time, and I can remember getting into some fairly heated debates with him at times. Even through this, he manages to keep a fair outlook with his authority. He has also built a fairly large economic base, helps new players out with immense amounts of advise, goods, and direction, and spends countless hours each day keeping our community clean and well run on the forums.

The Horice for Lifetime Achievement(s) is awarded for the month of March to Dan Moir and Emergy Maxfell. Here's to hoping that you never figure out how to quit this game, because our country would be in some serious poo if you did!

Thanks for taking the time to honour these great individuals. I'm sure they'll provide you with a PayPal account to send money to if you so wish!

~The MoHA Team