[TUP] Changing Faces. Changing Places. Changing PP.

Day 2,695, 03:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Unity is snoozing

Greetings, salutations and hi.
Some of you may remember me, many of you wont, which is understandable.
For many years now I have been hermetically sealed within the depths of Spammican HQ waiting. But what for?

Well I got bored, went outside and didn't come back. I say that but I've logged in nearly everyday, read and wrote a few articles and made some comments. Nothing strenuous, just a click here and a click there. Bliss.

Anyway I've noticed strange things going on. TUP you seem a bit rudderless and a little lethargic. My other worry is that politics are a bit dull. Back in my day everyone bickered and that was fun.

More worrying has been the Parties beige month or two where nothing much has really happened. No outcry about the dictator. No picking a fight with another party. No CP candidate.

Anyway, I'm putting myself forward as our next PP. Granted I could've changed my name and adopted a new online persona to do this but I find that a tad creepy and unhinged.

We are normal


I'll make you a few promises about what I'll give you. Other than that you ain't getting nowt else:

1). I will log in everyday.
2). I will respond to any PMs you send to me.
3). I will write at least one article a week.
4). I will write at least one inflammatory article about another party.
5). As a party we'll take a definite stance on the next CP election.
6). We'll select congress together unless I have issues with specific candidates being creepy, weird or dickish.
7). I will utilise the council of Untiy who will be offered a chance to do stuff.
😎. I will not use IRC. You can do that and tell me how it is.
9). I'll upset people.
10). I'll make some people happy.

I don't claim to be able to single handedly fix the issues our party has suffered over the last few months but I'll see what I can do.

Right I'm off to Wales for a few days. Feel free to pull apart this article. I am well aware that some will say "He's not active enough", but I'm always here unless I'm somewhere else.

The Welsh Outlook

Bye bye then