⚔ The 1st CODE Laureate Contest ⚔ (Incomplete)

Day 4,272, 19:22 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Welcome to the inaugural CODE Arts Contest! After receiving generous donations from eCitizens across the many varied and unique CODE eNations we’ve amassed a total of *drum roll*

Didn't really happen, ah well. I've dated receipts if you want your submission money back. Giz a shout.

250,000cc & 25 Gold

*'TIL DAY 4304! (MS Paint>Fancy Picture>Win by Default 'coz you entered>?>PROFIT)*

If I get more then five entries I'll give the prize

⚔ All entries must be your own original work.
⚔ One entry per citizen.
⚔ You must be a member of a participating CODE nation.

Contest is pasted on to the winners country.

Judges may not vote on entries from their home nation.

You can submit your work here on Telegram
or our Discord Channel

Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/MYONzxV9a3LUj4ngIFCn7w

Discord : https://discord.gg/yPQEuXm

If you do not use Telegram or Discord you can PM myself here on eRepublik.

If a Judge doesn’t use Telegram or Discord I’ll have a Google Doc of entries made that they can view.

So that’s the basics, basically. If you need any clarification simply post below and I'll respond to any and all your queries. Remember, this is an arts contest so be as creative as you dare! From Poems to Photography, Painting to Pop Music, once it’s art anything goes. Have fun with it and I wish good luck to all participants!

P.S Eurovision rules apply, the winners nation hosts the next CODE Laureate.

P.S.S Who do you think we should immortalize as the namesake of our contest?

P.S.S.S The submission date has been extended to Day 4,300 to mark 150 day's of Cooperation, Organization, Defence and Economic unity between our eNations!

Sethesin, Irish TD & Co-Author of the Found Journal Series