[SC] Nebula Pie Report 1

Day 2,822, 08:29 Published in Czech Republic Iran by Janty F

Dear friends,

I've decided to try a small project, just to have a better understanding about military capabilities on each Nebula member. I took the last weeks damage from each active player (😉 from each division, add it all together and displayed the results in form of pies. With them, you can see where is your country stronger than others, where is weaker and how strong you are after all. I've also compared all the active players and created some sort of TOP10 for each division (hopefully I got the data right there 😃 ). I'm glad to see, that each country was able to put atleast one player in the TOP10 (although the bigger countries have of course more representatives there... cough, cough, Japanese D4...). Please, let me know in the comments (or via PM), how do you like this small data comparison, what could I do better (or worse 😃 ) and if you want to see similar report next week.

(😉 I didn't included players from D1, who had less than 100000 damage. It shouldn't have influence on the results though.

Top 10

SC of Nebula
MoD of eCZ