Day 2,700, 10:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Karacticus

Well. Well. Well.

We get democracy for a little bit and dilly dally about what to do next.
Then some spendaholic comes along and catches us with our pants down.

The CP is gone, congress is powerless and their attempts at writing articles are poor even by our standards.

Luckily Horice and our beloved Spamicans have tried to fight back with some organised badger stacking.

Ant & Dick

Now while all this has been going on another slippery thing has tried to worm its way into The Unity Party.

Yes our countries favourite thief and Dapper dabber, Big Ant a.k.a Sir Scott Williamson, has decided to P.T.O the Unity Party.

Now we must remember this is not the Big Ant of old and most likely this is for the LULZ. All I would suggest is if you've got a spare vote don't waste it on him.

Much like a fart in a spacesuit he is difficult to get rid of. With this in mind I'm not running for PP.

I'd suggest voting for Paul.

What Now?

So we've got a dicktaker and we don't want him/her/it.

Might I suggest we get our arses in gear and pick someone to rally behind.
These new changes make the CP an eEunuch if we have a less than friendly Dictator.

We've voted about what to do next more times than Goku has had a new name, so I will now begin the process of selecting a dictator for you.

You have 24 hours to apply to me directly and then we'll sort the rest out later.

The resistance begins today...probably.

Love and Hugs.


p.s. If any players with lots of money and a large M.U. would like to give me full use of all these things then I will paint you a picture.