[Parliament] 4th - 5th March Session (My last session)

Day 3,392, 08:23 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Speaker of the House

Good morning eUK o7,

A couple of routine MPPs have been passed or are in the process of passing with France and Lithuania. No other news as of now.

I would like to announce that I will be resigning from Speaker effective the 5th of March. Haven't had much time as I am getting extremely busy and barely have enough time to work and train each day. It had been a pleasure serving you as Speaker and as a part of the MoD team for a month each. If you wish to be speaker, please put your name forward by the 5th of March.

As no one has put there name forward, Apples, Wookie, and VDM will be running things until a concrete new speaker is put into place. You may still put your name forward until we have announced a new permanent speaker.

