(Opinion) Dear Aeriadne and Groot of Cascadia; No one cares about you

Day 4,684, 19:34 Published in USA USA by Josh Whitehead

It grinds my gears writing that title you just read, but, it's true....

Harassment in the world of the gaming industries is an ongoing issue. No matter what game you play via console, PC, VR or the back alley of a Walmart.

Ya see, from personal experience in eRepublik or any other game. I have felt personally attacked by said player or or person. It made me not WANT to play the thing or things.

For example, Pfeiffer. Perfect example, That dude took pride picking and pridding the community apart for personal gain and put people down time after time within the gaming community, that's you. The fun fact is the majority of players did not do a single damn thing. For years, have you heard that, right?

For years in fact it took a permanent ban to sink inside of the mods and administration of eRep to finally put their foot down. Now, I wasn't there the day he was banned but years? Sad.

The majority of players voted him more than once for Country president and other political titles.

But not a single damn thing was being done.

The minority of the community had and still has ongoing issues of Harassment time after time in-game and within player-controlled forums outside the game. But not enough is being done.

That's just a pure sample, a taste. A taste that no one cares.

Ya see, Aeriadne and Groot? No one cares.....but this needs to stop. We can stop this. We can do better as players and as a people.

Us gamers should have the right to play a game which is free of harassment, bullying and any means that creates a hostile environment for anyone. Ingame, forums, Discord or whatever we all communicate with should be a gentle place for all users. Not enough is being done. Look how many players were pushed out of eUS and moved to different countries because of our own bigotry?

There are a few variations why eRepublik is called a “dying” game but one of those variations is the community itself.

The stuff that's happening between Aeriadne and Groot of Cascadia won’t be the last, I am afraid. I have been here and there for the last 10.5 years and I have seen a lot of bad faces that wreak havoc on everyone one way or another (see: Ajay Bruno).

The Admins of eRep need to step up their game on enforcing the eRep laws and step up to ensure that eRepublik is a safe place to play.....politics, Military or however you play eRep the way it is.

We, the community, need to do better to ensure we are “in line” with our own guidelines of a good place to play.

“But Josh, if you don't like it, Don’t read it”

True, but I deserve better and I’f i want better, I have to take action to build on a Harassment- free environment. Free of bigotry. A safe place for all gamers alike, no matter what their sexual oration, creed, color, religions, mental disabilities.

Remember the next time you vote for a CP. Someone who not only represents you on the battlefield but also in the forums.....

Josh Whitehead.