[Omega] We Are Coming!

Day 3,223, 14:11 Published in Australia Ireland by Black Panther I

Hello Australia,

While we’re starting to organise CrOmega as the most powerful Australian MU, we’re still accepting new members who are willing to take part in this great project. Once again, the ultimate goal is to create a MU capable to become a mobile force which should serve Australia, kick out the invaders and liberate our homeland when that’s needed to be done.

You can read more about the plans we have in THIS ARTICLE!

Organising the ‘communes’

Communes by its traditional meaning were weapon companies in which MU members would work and produce weapon they’d be supplied with later. Nowadays those communes aren’t as profitable as they used to be. Simply by taking taxes, prices of raw and other stuff into consideration you’ll find out there’s many more profitable ways to make money for your MU.

If you have the houses companies and you don’t have to give the wage, you’re going to be in profit, but not too much. By it looks, the most profitable way, and the way of setting up ‘communes’ is this. We’re going to use the current state of job market and take the maximum job market wages, we’re going to collect them (each member will work for private company owner) and gather the weekly money which is going to be donated to the MU for exchange of whatever the member wants for half of the price.

Basicly this means that with 30 members and current maximum wage of 190$ (net) a worker will be able to receive (190*7) 1330$ per week, this means that our MU members are going to make around 40 000$ cc weekly without even using the houses and work tickets. Each member will be obligated to make a donation to CrOmega each tuesday in amount of 1500$. That’s a little bit more than it was made per week. As a return all the members are going to get stuff worth twice as much.

Option 1 - 300 q7 tanks
Option 2 - 280 q7 tanks and 400 q5 food
Option 3 - Any other combination of food, weapons and house worth 3000$

So, instead of producing our own weapons we’re simply going to allow people to work for maximum wages and make them donate the money made by working. The current figures are temporary, which means our system, amount of supplies and everything else actually can change, depending on the current markets. In this moment, this system is the most profitable one! We’re starting with it in Tuesday!

If you’re Australian producer, if you have companies and need workers AND if you can afford to match the maximum wage or even a little bit lower, we’re going to work in your companies in order to help the Australian state income.

Communication channels

There are few different communication channels within the MU’s. Most of them aren’t using any of them anymore. It’s kinda ‘so v1’.

We, on the contrary, are going to use not one, but two of them. One of them is going to be IRC, you all heard of it, it’s good, old-fashioned way of communication, our IRC room is already being on and everyone are free to join. Direct link to it is: www.tinyurl.com/cromegachat

If there’s someone who could use some help in how to get there, there’s article written some time ago, feel free to READ IT.

However, IRC is not going to be our main communication channel. There’s something many people are calling “The new IRC”. It’s Discord, an application which can be downloaded to your desktop, phone or you can use by opening their site. It’s very simple, well designed and useful thingy. We already had some laugh hearing eachother’s accents, Lady Silver is coming from the Southern America, we hear few Aussies, we can’t even understand what the Irish are going on about and sometimes we’re speaking mordor language as well. Direct link to get on our channel is here: https://discord.gg/nx8CBMy

Just register with your Erepublik nick and bring some beers over there!

Other stuff

Communes and Communication channels are decided, what we still have to decide about are few very important things.

1. Roles & Duties - Some of the roles we’re going to have are well known in the eWorld. We’ll need two 2nd Commanders to change DO’s and be active part of the community in order to represent the MU. One of them is Kattrrina, since she’s one of the first Australian tanks who joined CrOmega, also she gave us her private MU to use and left significant amount of money in there which is going to be used for our dear Huns soon.

Other roles we still haven’t been deciding or even discussed about are:
-2nd Commander X1
-Supply Officer X3
-Financial advisor (Communes wise) X1
-CrOmegaFond Director X1
-Captain X3

2. Coordinated strikes - As we’ve already announced the Coordinated strikes are going to take place every day of a week. On coordinated strikes we’re going to distribute extra weapons, which means that the maximum tank supplies aren’t going to be 300 q7’s, but probably much higher. We’re probably going to be giving 20 weps per soldiers for every strikes, which means 140 per week, which brings us to total amount of maximum supplies per week being 440 q7 weapons. Not bad, huh?

We have an issue considering the strikes, which is when to organise them. We have members from all over the world and it’s going to be hard to get them on the channel in the same time. We’re still considering the ways to organise it in best possible edition. A survey is going to be filled by all our members so we can know more about their preferred time for being online.

3. CrOmegaFond - I’ll explain all about it in the next article, this week.

CrOmega Official Avatar


CrOmega will start actively working on Tuesday, it’s the day we’re going to start with all of our activities including CrOmegaFond, supplies, communes and coordinated strikes. Something I should mention are surveys, I really like to have them included because it’s a pretty good way to keep improving a MU, we’re going to ask all of our members for the suggestions and opinion about the stuff we do, so we can always change to the better.

Also, CrOmega will be free-to-join until Tuesday and I’d like to invite all the Australian soldiers, active ones especially to join this project in which we’re going to centralise Australian damage dealing, we’re going to fight in the same place, in the same time, we’re going to work as one, without single person being left behind. It’s up to every Australian to decide about taking part in this great project, but one thing is sure, nothing will be the same anymore. CrOmega is and will always be a firestarting family, we’re going to make sure no country is able to occupy Australia without heavy cost anymore, we’re going to make sure all Australians have an opportunity to join the Elite MU, a family which is going to take care of them.

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The News of the People

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~Once CrΩmega, always CrΩmega~

The Don