[MoD]26th January 2021

Day 4,816, 16:03 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Department of Defence

As the day of PP chasing moves into its later stages and our ‘must win’ battles remain where we want them in terms of bars and points, I find the time to once again produce what will be the penultimate MoD update of the term (unless actual real war happens!?) for you viewing pleasure.

No change in our Standing Orders once again as all our ‘ping-pong’ battles have remained on track and well managed by all involved.

We did score a little first for Ireland last week as we rose off the bottom of the Ground damage lists for the alliance and as we start to create more and more legends we only hope to see that damage total rise and rise.

PACIFICA remains at peace apart from the random troll NE or surprise RW. We ourselves experienced that today in Mayo but we’ve no idea who launched that, certainly didn’t receive any support from Ireland and the only player to fight there from Ireland did so for a D4 medal and without swinging the bar against the UAE.

Speaking of undesired RW's our cousins across the Irish Sea had one of their own yesterday as Scotland was RW'd unlooked for. With a crushing 3.93 determination running against them Iran decided to not put up much of a contest and Irans sole region in the isles was lost.

This creates once more a natural border between Ireland and the UK but having recently signed the 'Bushmills Treaty' we consider it a closed and managed border.

For their own parochial reasons the UK likes to keep it as a 100% weapon region so they are already cooking up a list of nations that will become our new temporary neighbours and in the interests of building on the treaty we have offered our assistance in moving a new nation into Scotland should it be required and requested.

Looking even slightly further afield for news of real combat there was a bit of a fuss going on in Belgium on the 24th that resulted in both an explosion of media activity in that country & the installation of a dictator.

Having a somewhat cosmopolitan mix of nationals within our own nation we were pretty familiar with the characters of each side but with the battle a walk over for the longtime Belgians over the newcomers by the time the Irish Gov had discussed it - We did not post any damage on the battlefield ourselves.

~Alfa UKSF
Irish Minister of Defence Training Wars