[MEK] Make Love! Make Epic!

Day 3,832, 07:28 Published in Portugal Brazil by Pure Poison

Hi guys, this article its about Epic. So its a Epic article.

Thanks Rapaz_avr for help and contribution.

1. How to Make a war epic?

First step,
It’s easier to make an epic war in a low division (1, 2 or 3), because it will be needed less damage.

You may see epic damage history here:

For D1: Around 2b dmg
For D2: Around 4b dmg
For D3: Around 4b dmg
For D4: Around 10b dmg

Second step,
It’s necessary to find a low division player with a good Hit to do the first Hit on the battle, allowing higher divs players to fight there with almost the same damage than in their original division.

Third step,

The best way is to have a partner country with which make the epic.
Why? If both countries have more or less the same damage, during the initial phase to rise it to an true epic, it will allow to produce some fake epics, giving some more prestige points. In this way, some of the initial hits will be also rewarded with double prestige points.
When the battle goes to a false Epic (short duration epic) it brings more players and more prestige points may be earned.
However, it’s not impossible to make epic wars alone.

It’s easy to make an epic war, but it’s necessary to have players to prepare it, at the same time in the same division and have a native HIT to start it. In two words organization and communication.

fourth step,


2. Why make it epic on tuesday?

As you know, the weekly challenge starts on tuesday.
If you rise 6500 prestige points on the first day and don't waste energy during the entire week, you will finish it with a profit of about 80 energy bars (about 20000 Prestige Points).
If you rise 8000 prestige points on the first day and don't waste energy during the entire week, you will finish it with a profit of about 40 energy bars (about 23000 Prestige Points).
*It was considered the spent of 430 energy to work in companies and without any other epic war during the week.

In this way, starting every week with a good strategy will allow you to finish it with a positive energy bars balance and a huge ranking improvement.

3. Benefits of a native epic for the country community: “healthier population”

In first place, citizens will earn earn several True Patriot, that will allow to pay all the spent Q7 weapons - it will pay itself.
Second, with a better usage of the Maverick Pack, players will grow in rank points, contributing to growth also the legend bonus.
In third place, the country will benefit with 2% in taxes from all the earned True Patriot medals, with taxes also from more market movements, and could bring some emigrant players that being in other country may feel the appeal to came back.
Could also bring more players to buy packs bringing more motivation to the game.

4. Problems

There could happen some difficulties:
Many players prefer to stay on hold and don't use their hits to make the epic but only to enjoy it, getting all the benefis.
This may split the nation: the collaborators and the profiteers.
To make an epic war it’s better with a TW country partner, but the problem is that actually the possible good partners have already epic agreements.
Remember without an epic, the maverick and blitz users, will need to fight in another epic battle, losing a lot of True Patriot medals, and who have Legend bonus will not benefit of it, losing rank points.
Only do an epic if the country population want it. If you don’t enough citizens for the fight, the epic will only bring losses.

5. Additional Information

Every week, countries like Japan and Ukraine do almost the same damage than Portugal, with a minimal daily difference. The only difference is on Tuesday: Japan and Ukraine do 10 billions more than portugal due to the epic battles.
Erepublik had a great shift and today the wars have a short term. Without epic war, it could brings citizens to not show need to buy the packs. Doing an epic war could be good motivation, learning and preparing factors to future wars.
Besides all this extra damage, they also do lots of True Patriot medals bringing to their citizens lots of currency and improving their country economy.
Make Portugal Great Again!

I prepared some information look this:

First its is.. imagine if 5 players make 3 billions dmg.. each one will one 30k CC with True Patriot Medal!

And second if you was a Legend III, you will pay the weapon and won 240cc por medal won!
Think about this