[IAP] Pushing for Change

Day 2,047, 17:22 Published in USA USA by SwiftStrike74

Unity and AFA are two sides of the same hideous, ugly, crooked, and corrupt coin. They both represent the worst America has to offer. From brining in foreigners for the sole purpose of taking the other down to telling people who to vote for both of these groups are dead ends for the eUS of A. One will sell us out to other nations for personal power and one will take away rights and run the country into the ground to maintain power. Whichever path we choose right now, quite frankly, the eUSA is just plain screwed.

That is where the IAP comes in. The IAP is here and devoting itself to change. We want to bring about the end of the wicked corrupt government and the end of the silly PTO for good because the state they have put us in is just depressing. I can describe it in no other way. It just depresses me. I mean really? How can you run a democratic country by taking away rights, telling people who to vote for, and letting foreigners run our political system?

The IAP is here to say “enough” because we have had enough. We’ve had enough of this PTO bs, we’ve had enough of the crappy Unity system, we’ve just had enough of everything being done for us. The IAP is here for change, we are here to overhaul the eUSA. We are a party devoted to action, a party devoted to getting things done and making things change.

If you want change, if you want the crap going on in our eCountry to stop, the IAP is the place for you.

Pushing for change, Pushing for America

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Change the eUSA! Pushing for change, Pushing for America, the IAP!