[Event] Shadow challenge - D4361-D4367 / 29.10. - 04.11.2019

Day 4,361, 18:40 Published in Croatia Austria by Rabbit of Caerbannog

EN version below 😉

CRO version

Dragi svi,

Tijekom ovog tjednog izazova (D4361 - D4367) mozete sakupiti dodatne nagrade kroz napredak u tjednom izazovu:

1. Bundeve 
- 50 energije
- sakupe se 1 PP prije energetskih cokoladica (pocevsi od 1, maksimalno 20) - detaljnije u ovom clanku.

2. Shadow Fighter booster
- mozete ga aktivirati na trenutnoj strani bitke / diviziji 
- traje do kraja te runde u kojoj je aktiviran 
- aktiviran ce poduplati vasu stetu dok se borite / deployate, ali NE i u slucaju kada koristite bombe.

Bitne napomene:
Iznos ghost dmga ucinjen koristenjem Shadow Fighter boostera NECE biti uracunat u True Patriot niti u military rank.

Mozete aktivirati vise boostera u isto vrijeme, u razlicitim divizijama (rundama).

Shadow Boosteri i Bundeve ce isteci nakon eRepublik rodjendana, na dan D4387 u 23:59 eRep.

Halloween vikend

Tijekom Halloween wikenda u svakoj bitci, Top 6 gradjana sa svake strane (rankirano po dmg) osvojiti ce dodatne Bundeve.[/B]

3x energetske plocice

U izborniku Golds&more, tijekom sljedeca 3 dana ( pocevsi od D4361 00:00:01 eRep) mozete potrositi svoje teskom mukom stecene golde 😉

U slucaju da imate i vise nego dovoljno golda, postoji limit od 5 x za svaki pojedini paket sa trostrukim coxama. Ali takodjer nemojte zaboraviti da je i Black Friday event blizu 😉

Napomena: EBs ce isteci 14 dana nakon kupovine.

Ukratko 🙂

1. Novi Booster koji dupla ucinjenu stetu
- Traje 1 rundu
- Ne racuna se u True Patriot / Rank

2. Bundeve u tjednom izazovu
- Tjedni izazov zavrsava na 60k PP bodova

3. Tijekom vikenda
- Dodatne nagrade u Bundevama za Top 6 po dmg sa obje strane
- 2 ili 3 dana (?) - nisam sigurna da li ukljucuje i petak 🙂 

4. Trostruke cokoladice - paketi
- Trostruke coxe (3x 100 energije svaka)
- Maksimum 5 kom svakog od 3 ponudjena paketa (40, 200 i 400 golda za 10, 50 i 100 3xcokoladice)
- Ponuda paketa traje 3 dana (D4361 - D4363)
Cokoladice isticu 14 dana nakon kupovine

Ovako izgleda u groundu:

A ovako u oblacima 😉

Link na clanak sa nagradama u Tjednom izazovu (usporedba sa klasicnim i event tjednom):

Hvala puno @Weekstrom!! 🤗

Izvor za bazu clanka:
D4361 - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/latest-updates

Iiii daaaa, danas je zecetina postala Titan!!! Woooohoooo 🙂
Zeljela bih se zahvaliti svima koji ste mi pruzili pomoc i pomogli mi da dodjem do toga u manje od 1 godine u igri.. Air Group Captain i ground Titan, nije lose za nejach 😃

Ukoliko imate sekundu viska, pretplata na moje novine bi bila super darak za mene 😉 obzirom da radim i na MM medalji 😉

A ako ste vec subbani, hvala. Ali onda necu imati nista protiv niti ako posaljete neki visak prema mom skladistu xD ..ali samo ako bas imate vise od potrebnog 😉

Samo jako!
Samo pozitivno!

EN version

Shadow challenge

Dear Citizens,

During this weekly challenge (D4361 - D4367) you will get rewards as you advance in the challenge:

1. Pumpkins 
- 50 energy each
- given 1 pp before EBs, same amount as EBs (starts with 1, max 20)

2. The Shadow Fighter booster
- can be activated for your current side and division in a battle 
- lasts until the end of the round
- while active, it doubles the damage dealt when you fight or start a deployment, but NOT when using Bombs.

Important notes: 
The ghost damage coming from the Shadow Fighter is NOT added to the citizen True Patriot progress nor their military rank.

You can have more than one booster active simultaneously in different division battles (rounds).

Shadow Boosters and Pumpkins will expire after the eRepublik’s 12th birthday, on Day 4,387 at 23:59.

Halloween weekend

During the Halloween weekend in every battle, the Top 6 Citizens from each side (ranked by damage dealt) will receive Pumpkins based on their effort.

3x energy bars

In the Golds&more menu, next 3 days (starting at D4361 00:00:01 eRep) you can spent your hard earned golds 😉

In case if you have more than enough golds, there is a limit for each 3x EBs pack, max is 5.
But also don't forget that soon we will have Black Friday event 😉

Note: Bars will expire 14 days after the purchase.

In short 🙂

1. New Booster that doubles your damage 
- Lasts one round
- No True Patriot/Rank Bonuses

2. Pumpkins in weekly challenge
- WC ends at 60k PP

3. During weekend 
- Additional Pumpkin rewards for Top 6 Damage in Battles on both sides
- 2 or 3 days (?) - not sure if Friday is included

4. Triple Energy Bars packs 
- triple bars (3x 100 energy per bar)
- max 5 per pack (40, 200 and 400 golds for 10, 50 and 100 3xbars)
- offer lasts 3 days (D4361 - D4363)
- bars expire 14 days after the purchase

This is how it looks on the field 🙂

And in the clouds 😉

Link to the article with the Weekly challenge rewards (compared both usual and event week):

Thank you @Weekstrom!! 🤗

Source for base of the article: 
D4361 - https://www.erepublik.com/en/main/latest-updates

Oh and yes, this lady Rabbit got to Titan ground rank today!!!! Woooohoooo 🙂 
I would like to say a biiiiiiiig "Thank you" to all of you who helped me to get here in less than 1 year of playing.. Air GC and ground Titan, not so bad nejach 😃

If you have a second extra, subscription to my newspapers would be a great gift to me 😉 as I'm working on my Media Mogul medal 😉

And if you are already subbed, I will not say anything against sending some extras to my warehouse xD ..but only if you have more than needed 😉

Stay strong!
And positive!
