[CP] Mid-Term Update

Day 4,719, 13:49 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher
Citizens of the Republic,

I hope to give everyone a concise update to the State of the Republic in this article. o7

At the start of this term, things were looking quite bleak, especially since this miserable event was beginning while we were occupied by the Romanians. Fortunately, with about 100k CC in CO's on my end as well as the amazing work of all of our soldiers (especially BiednyMis and Armanych, from what I recall), we managed to liberate our nation! Of course, the Romanians weren't hitting as hard as they could have, but we should savor the victory nevertheless.

As for resource wars: I'd say we've neither failed nor succeeded so far, especially considering that we have very few active players as well as (?)no Maverick pack players. We have gotten Cattle and Wolfram so far, two uncommon resources, and we should be able to pick up the lower value resources for food and weapons until the end of the event. Ireland and the United Kingdom have an agreement to "split grain" by placing grain in our queues so that we can both pick up this rare resource, so we should at least have grain. Our primary aims right now are COBALT AND SALTPETER. It'd be nice to have these two resources, and we have a fair shot at them.

Also, I managed to find another TW partner, as you must have noticed, (after I and my MoFA searched for 2 weeks!), and we have invited our good friends Argentina to our Emerald Isle!

Lastly, I would like to remind everyone to run for congress, since it appears we should have elections this term.

Thank you,