[BE] Military Module part 2

Day 1,440, 09:26 Published in Belgium Netherlands by Ministry of eBe Education

War Mechanisms

There are two different ways to begin a war between two countries :

1: Declare War. This costs a lot of gold and is no longer used since the Natural Enemy feature has been added.

2: Declare a country as its Natural Enemy. It has both advantages to be costless and to provide a damage/training bonus of 10%.

Whatever is the path chosen, a campaign will begin within 24h after the end of the vote. While a war is open, there cannot be more than 24 hours between two battles (Resistance War does not count).

Two countries can close a war if both congresses vote a peace treaty. If there are no borders between the two countries, the war will also end.

Every campaign is made at best of 15 battles (first to win 8 battles). To win a battle, a country must reach 1800 points. Every minute, the country with the more damage in a battle wins a number of points depending on the time since the beginning of the battle.

Military Tactics

I will consider two different kinds of tactics:

1: The battle tactics

The principle is to optimize the way to win a single battle/campaign. It can only be done with active players or players able to connect at the right time.

Usually, it consists in striking together at the end of a battle to change the issue of the battle. It can also consist in voluntarily losing a battle while the enemy wastes damage on it, and saving your damage for another battle.

Sometimes, we can also use the so-called “passive damage” from a country (and its allies) to win a battle when the difference between the two opponents is too heavy. The principle is to ask active fighters not to fight but to let “inactive“ people and Battle Hero medal hunters do the damage for you.

Another example is the timing of the end of a battle. Sometimes it is more interesting to win a war not too early and to wait the end of another battle or not to conquer the region (if a peace treaty is proposed for instance).

2: The territory tactics

On a more global point of view, there are also several possibilities :

For instance, a war ends when there are no more connected territories. So you can ask your allies to invade you in order to prevent your opponent from following you.

You can also think of the training war, which can go between two countries of different strengths. The stronger country attacks the weaker one and wins with passive damages, while the weaker one launches Resistance War all the time (helped by the stronger country) and wins them. With that process you can do a training war on two territories.

Territory swap is also a military tactics. It is used between two allied countries to give them a better structure (for instance to gain the production bonus).

Mutual Protection Pact

Countries can sign pacts allowing them to fight for each other in case of an attack. These MPPs allow countries from everywhere in the world to fight together. Sometimes there are more than 50 countries involved into the battles of two major countries.

It is also used by smaller countries to provide daily battles while they cannot afford to attack other countries (it is the case of eBelgium).

(Belgian MPP of October-November)

Usually, MPP are negociated between the governments of both countries.


Since the eRomanian empire crumbled, eRepublik has always evolved as a two-sided world. While there is nothing official (ingame) or enforceable, two major sides always existed, surrounded by neutral countries.

The first (major) two alliances that ever existed in eRepublik were Atlantis (which was a merge of different alliances) and PEACE GC. Currently their equivalent are the New World Order (also known as ONE) and EDEN/TERRA (union of two alliances), even if they are not based on the same countries.

The situation of a country on the international stage is usually expressed regarding its involvement in the alliance game.


While not only related to the Military Module, the missions also play an important part in the military module, especially for the new players. There are various missions. However, their number is limited. Some of them provide very strong rewards, especially those with a time limit.

The Military Unit is a recent tool designed to be used as a communication tool. It has added new missions which give daily rewards (energy bars and bazookas). Killing 25 persons/day may seem a challenge for many people but collecting enough rewards can give the possibility to earn a Battle Hero medal.

The medals also play an important part, especially at high level as it drives the behavior of a lot of strong fighters looking for fights to gain these rewards. However, earning one daily is reserved to a small elite of 500-1000 players (at most).

I will conclude the military module by dealing with the mercenaries. As in real life, those are people fighting to help a country and asking wages for it. The soldiers not rich enough to afford to pay all their battles daily and not strong enough to earn a BH medal every day, but sufficiently strong to make significant damages can ask governments of countries in major fights to provide them supplies. While this practice has always existed, it increased as the price of weapons dropped and the amount of fights available rose.

Currently, if you have at least 3000 strength, you can join the #Mercenaries channel on irc.rizon.net and try to find some suppliers.

State Secretary of Education