Your Congressman - A Must Read

Day 1,523, 19:37 Published in Canada Canada by Code-Y

Hello, friends! It's that time of the month again 🙂. Once again I'm taking part in the Canadian congressional elections with a goal to win and continue bettering our country! Of course, the party supporting me will be .

Why should you vote me?

I've already proven myself to be online on a daily basis if not online every hour of my waking day by my constant IRC prescence. I make smart informed decisions and proposals, help newer players, and always answer questions if there's a question to be answered! Although, there are still things that need to be done in Canada, and I'm here to do them!

What exactly will be my main goals for this term?

Well, I plan to; Better our economy by promoting the lowering of VAT and putting more money in the pockets of the workers who cannot own companies. I'll help the newer players of Canada by sending out messages daily to new members that I see taking initiatives and rewarding them the best I can. Most of all, I'll try to strengthen the communication between Congressmen and Society by making myself accessible to the public, and hearing out all Canadian citizens that wish to be heard! Not to mention, I've always made active and informed decisions, If you want to vote me but need help moving, or some guidance just tell me!

Code-Y, a congressman you can count on!