When it's time, You know...

Day 4,129, 09:27 Published in Switzerland USA by Odysseus Rhymes
Hello my fellow eSwiss Citizens! it's about that time of the month again where we all rush to the voting polls to cast our vote for the next Party President. It's always an exciting time to watch the race start and see where you stand in the party! This time is no exception as it's been a pretty crazy week for our party both nationally and internally. This is only to be expected as the largest party in eSwitzerland! A place we all call home! Please in the comments show some eSwiss pride, regardless of who you plan to vote for!
After talking to one of the Party founders I've decided to focus my term if elected to unity and strengthening of our fantastic party and its members, and in by doing that, we'll strengthen eSwitzerland!

Here are some additional goals:
1. To increase our member size even more, with more numbers means more voices which only helps increase eSwiss Citizens who are represented in government!

2. To promote newer members to run for congress and to promote more active participation in congressional discussions!

3. To better organize our fantastic congress members and promote our National Server and Multi-Messaging. We know better communication is key to success for eSwitzerland and our party!

4. To work together as a party to promote more SAFE immigration into eSwitzerland to increase our eSwiss Citizen size which helps us all around!

5. To cooperate with our Party Cabinet to create initiatives to promote activity and growth along with spreading some CCs around to our members who might need them for participation in TWs.

6. Lastly and most importantly, to clearly define our Party identity! What do we stand for? What does TLP mean to us? These are good questions I want our party members to answer! I want to hold events weekly that aims to help bring us together and answer these questions! We can all have different opinions, but we should all have one identity as a party. Something we can all agree to that brings us together!

Whether or not these goals are achievable is up to how well our Cabinet and myself work together to make them happen along with every single party member who can lead us to success! Because without our wonderful members we are nothing! We are a party of the people are we not? 🙂 I believe it's important to work as hard as we can for eSwitzerland and our party, but with any Party President, you need a fantastic team at your side to ever hope to accomplish anything. I'll list who I think would be the "Dream Team" for an Odysseus Party Presidency, these people have not agreed to this, but these are the people I'd want in these positions!
Vice President - Vincent Rekdal
A founder of TLP and a man I've grown to respect, Vincent has been the biggest ally and friend I've had in TLP and someone who I've always listened to and treasured his advice. He's always put new members first and listened to their input and opinions, a trait I've come to admire. I feel our views overlap and would love to have him as our Vice Party President to help guide me down the path we need to follow together!
Secretary General - Liakouris
Liakouris has been a very hard working and honest member of our party! He has shown us his ability and activity and is someone I have also grown to respect. I've thought long and hard about who I'd want as our Secretary General and it was a difficult choice to make! I wanted someone who can help me and our cabinet plan out meetings and events to keep all of our members in the loop and active! To help us develop this identity we so badly need and desire! 🙂
Councillor - Tim Buctu
For me, there is no better person to turn to for advice and consult than Tim Buctu, my current opponent in these Party elections! I see him as a fountain of knowledge of which all TLP members can benefit from! He is more reserved and cautious than anyone else I know and works hard for our Party and eSwitzerland as a whole! I respect him immensely and would be honored to have him on board.
Spokesman - Akane Kawahara
Another great eSwiss Citizen who I respect immensely! Akane has been a very vocal and prolific writer who I feel can represent TLP with the kind of class and prestige that it deserves! I have NO doubts of Akane's ability and anyone who does should read articles they published and you'll soon learn Akane is a wonderful choice! I could only hope to have someone so great as our Party Spokeman!
I thank you for your time, I know how precious it is!

If you head for the voting polls this week, remember my name, I'd love to have your support.

Odysseus Rhymes,
Congressman for TLP
Current Minister of Education

P.S. Please vote in your Party Elections, regardless who you vote for! We need active members 🙂