Today i shall join the greats!

Day 3,243, 08:04 Published in USA USA by Gabrielz_Horn

You did not think i would just up and change my avatar without an article did you? Gabrielz_Horn was a reference to a black hole that used to be the myth of a black hole and here is my old avatar.

My new avatar! (Adam Sandler)

Yes my new avatar is bigger for several reasons. one i thaught it would piss off Pfeiffer and he would leave a comment for me... oh no this just in Pfeiffer is temp banned! come back so i can make fun of you. Your like a quarter of my article here, And two its my new avatar! Today i have joined the greats of Erepublik and chosen a celebrity persona. This makes finding pics for interactions easyer and helps the article look better. the reason i chose this persona is that throughout my life i have been told i look like this person

Maybe its the big nose (ok not that big)

But Gabrielz_Horn Right!

And look at that tattoo i was made for airborne!

You guys better watch out on the battlefield.

I just finnished up a great game of Psycho's & Werewolves were Hadrian X and Thalio Voss got a best roleplayer award and Waysted, Wasp15, and Khotko survived the whole game. It was sorta a low turnout but was one of my better games they really found a way to work together this time around. Which is how it should be all the time Not these guys specifically but the game in general.

This article is also for the 25 comment mission thought i would earn it with a good one and give you guys something juicy to read wile i completed a mission. So please leave me a comment!

Stay P/H!