Sweden dodged the black plague.

Day 448, 05:18 Published in Sweden Sweden by Misho
The black plague has struck against eRepublik and thousands citizens have died. The black plague that struck Europe and Sweden around year 1350 killed 15 million people, one third of all people in Europe!

The black plague is widely known as the most fearsome pandemic in human history. Today, it struck Erepublik!

USA for example has dropped from 11993 citizens down to 9385. World wide the drop has been over 7000 citizens! From over 69000 down to 62000.

Sweden managed to dodge the plague pretty well and lost less than a hundred citizens. Dr Död a
specialist on pandemics said it wasn’t worse then a cold for Sweden.
Sweden acctually dodged the Black Death so well that the country climbed one step up on the ladder for most populated countries in Erepublik.
The Onion asked Dr Död why Sweden managed to almost avoid the black plague totally.

Dr Dö😛 My conclusion as an expert on pandemics tells me it has something to do with the amount of honesty in the Swedish blood. Studies show that the Swedish white blood cells are extremely rich of Honesty. It may not be good for Swedes all the time since they risk to be backstabbed by other, less honourable citizens.

The Onion: So you say Americans are dishonest people?

Dr Dö😛 No, absolutely not. Most of the people with low amounts of honesty in USA are acctually foreigners trying to hide in the great numbers.

The Onion: Ok, thanks for the comments, I understand you have lots of work to do creating the new upgraded small pox ordered by the Swedish Military Special Operation Command.

Dr Dö😛 What!?

Don't miss the new article series in the Onion,
Platon says we are back wards people, part 1:


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