Rhyme's Deal or No Deal - Season One - Game 1 (Dark Creed)

Day 5,146, 15:08 Published in USA USA by Odysseus Rhymes

Welcome to Rhyme's Deal Or No Deal Season One - Game 1
For our first Contestant of the Season I'd like to welcome Dark Creed!
To start us off, Dark Creed I'd like for you to go ahead and pick the briefcase you feel has the 1,000,000 cc in it!

Dark Creed : "Let's go with Number 13. Hopefully my lucky number."

OdyRhy: "Alright! We're going with number 13! For your round 1 you'll need to open 6 cases! Lets go ahead and start with your first case Dark Creed!"

Dark Creed : "Let's start with Random Numbers. Open Case 24."

OdyRhy : "Case 24 then? Well case 24 is 50,000 cc! Not necessarily a good thing, but the bigger amounts are still up on the board! 5 more cases to open, let's see your next choice."

Dark Creed : "Well could be better, could be worse. Case 4 is my next choice. Fingers Crossed."

OdyRhy : "Luck appears to be on your [side]! Case 4 has $500 one of the smaller amounts! You've got 4 more cases to open before you get your first banker offer. Which one is next?"

Dark Creed : "Well that was nice. Let's hope for another lucky one with Case 17."

OdyRhy : "Let's see what's behind case number 17... and it's $400,000... ouch! Not what you were looking for but the 1,000,000 is still up there! You've still got 3 more cases to open, let's hope they're smaller than the one you just opened!"

Dark Creed : "Ouch. That's not nice. Let's hope for more luck. Case 20."

OdyRhy : "Yeah that wasn't very nice at all! Let's go ahead and see what case 20 has! And it's... 1,000,000 cc! Ouch! That's... that's rough. But there's still 750,000 cc up there for you to win! You've still got 2 more cases to open, good luck!"

Dark Creed : "That's really bad twice. Case 1. Please something better."

OdyRhy : "Yes! We definitely need better! Case 1 is... 5,000 cc! Definitely one you needed after this bad round so far! Now you've just got 1 case left to open this round!"

Dark Creed : "For the Last Case Number 9."

OdyRhy : "Okay, for case 9 it contains... $400.00 cc! Now we're getting somewhere! And with that, we've ended Round 1 and go to see what the banker is going to offer you!"

OdyRhy : "Okay, due to a pretty rough round 1 and having a 1/20 chance of having the 750,000cc case since eliminating the 1 million, the Banker is offering you $49,058cc! That's guaranteed right now to buy your case and end the game now. What do you say? Deal or No Deal?"

Dark Creed : "No Deal."

OdyRhy : "Haha, YES! That's what we like to see! Going into Round 2 You now need to pick 5 cases in a row before your next offer! What is the first case you will pick?"
Round Two

Dark Creed : "First Case 18. Fingers crossed."

OdyRhy : "Case 18 huh? Let's see what's behind case 18! And... it's $25! That's the kind of case we're looking for! Just 4 More cases to open until your next offer!"

Dark Creed : "Alright, Case 26 then."

OdyRhy : "Case 26! Okay, that case has... $10! Well done! Way to keep to the lower amounts this round so far! You've got 3 more cases to go before an offer! What's your next case?"

Dark Creed : "That was better. Case 2 next."

OdyRhy : "Okay so case 2 huh? Well case 2 contains... $1,000! Way to keep your picks low Dark Creed! Just two more cases this round! What's your next pick?"

Dark Creed : "Case 11."

OdyRhy : "Okay! Let's go ahead and see what's behind case 11! And it's... $100,000! Not the best, but you're still leaving the higher amounts up there to claim! One more case to open before the end of the round! What will your next case be?"

Dark Creed : "Case 12 for the last case."

OdyRhy : "For your last case, case 12, it has... $10,000! That's the kind of stuff we need right now! Let's keep it low! Now let's go ahead and see what the banker offer is!"

OdyRhy :"Okay, so Dark Creed, the Banker offer is $66,117! Higher than the initial offer of $49,028! The only question for you is... Deal or No Deal?"

Dark Creed : "Still no Deal"

OdyRhy : "Okay! Way to stick in there! Now on to round 3! You have to now pick 4 cases until your next banker offer! What's your first case pick?"

((Updated as game progresses))

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