Day 5,139, 12:33 Published in USA USA by Odysseus Rhymes

Welcome to the Pit of Death!
You awaken around the Pit of Death that burns forever! Shaken and confused you wander around the blackness of the night for hours before discovering a note! Written on that note it says the night will never end until the Pit of Death (POD!) is fed until full! You turn and look among the other survivors stuck in the same circumstance as you, but who do you recognize? Who will you sacrifice?
What is POD!?
The Pit of Death! AKA POD! is a community game for eUSA citizens (with exceptions) where teams every round have to vote, search for items, protect each other, or use an item previously found in order to survive the endless night!
Alright but how does it work?
Every team must try their best to survive every round to be the last team to survive the endless night and not be fed to the eternal Pit of Death! Each round every team member is given one action they can do. At the end of the day, all the votes are collected and the "winners" are tossed into the Pit of Death! But be careful, votes are done in private and you never know who you can trust! If you choose to search for items in the dark on your hands and knees you just might find something, but for every vote you don't cast, someone else might have voted for you. Every round 10% of the survivors are given a special ability to protect either themselves or another person from being tossed in the Pit of Death! Whether they use it or not it is taken away during the next round and given to a new 10% of survivors.
What Actions Can I do Though?
Every round you can only do 1 of the following Actions:
1. Vote on who to throw in the Pit of Death!
2. Search in the darkness for an item.
3. Use an item if you already have one.
4. Protect a person from the next vote (if you are one of the mysterious chosen that round).
What Can I Win Though?
Right to the point huh? Well for this event the Grand Prize is $2,000,000cc* to the winning team. The Second Place team will receive $1,000,000cc* and the 3rd Place Team will receive $500,000cc*. On top of these prizes every surviving player each round not thrown into the Pit of Death! will receive 1,000cc (The first player to die will receive 20,000cc because that's rough...). On Top of those round-based payments, there will be 3 POD! items you can find while searching that offer special event abilities for one-time use. And on top of that each round there will be a chance (if you so desire to search) to find one of 27 real eRep items/cc that will be paid out by the start of the next round.

*Subject to increase but never decrease in amount.
While all this is great, it should be noted that the grand prizes are only paid out equally (rounded up) to the SURVIVING members of the team. While it's entirely possible to make deals prior to or during the event, I'd heavily suggest considering people who you TRUST as all actions are made privately in messages to Odysseus Rhymes or any posted event staff (if needed).
List of Searchable Items & Find Rates
Stick of Death (Instantly Kill 1 Player)
Potion of Life (Revive One Dead Player or yourself if chosen that round)
Mirror of Deflection (All votes meant for you are deflected back to the voter.)
*The three items above are not in-game eRep items but are items for the event and are one-time use. Collectively they have a 10% chance of getting at least one of the 3. Potion of Life can only be held onto until 3 teams remain.

100 Q7 Food & Weapons - 40% chance (12 per round)
500 Q7 Food & 100 Weapons - 20% chance (6 per round)
10,000cc - 10% chance (3 per round)
25,000cc - 10% chance (3 per round)
50,000cc - 10% chance (3 per round)
*As items are picked up there's a constantly increasing chance of getting nothing in your searches as all items are picked up. More will be released every round.
**All items found can be traded to others instead of being claimed or used. No one knows what items you have but you and Ody so you can lie if that's your game plan.
Important Rules: (Subject to change if exploited)
1. Only 1 Action can be made a day
2. An item can only be used once
3. Event Fixing will result in termination of the event or ban from the event (I want this to be fun)
4. If no one votes that round; a whole team is randomly thrown in the Pit of Death! (For those who might try to just reap all the prizes continuously)
5. If no one from your team votes, everyone on the team gains a vote. (This is done secretly as votes are secret so if you want to claim you voted but searched, you can do this at the potential cost of your team getting closer to being thrown in the Pit of Death!

Sound good? Good. For questions comment below or message me directly. I'm giving this 48 hours to gain enough players to make it competitive, but this is a soft time limit that can change to allow more time. If you want a non-eUS citizen on your team then suggest them in your comment or message. All members must verify through a message or comment on your comment that they accept to be on your team before they are added. All free players must join or form a team before the start of the game; all players are allowed to form a team. When you form a team you must pick a team name. The signup bonus is 10,000cc per player (To clear up some confusion this is a signup gift to YOU the player as there is no fee to play).

If you noticed there's no longer a mention of a team cap that is because I've removed it. After some deliberation I've decided if you want to increase your share size of a grand prize by having a smaller team then you accept the risk associated with going it alone or with fewer people.

Thank you, and remember... all feed the Pit of Death in the end.

P.S.: There's a signup raffle as well.

Current Free Players:
Vincent Garibaldi
Dark Creed
Elena Claudia
Camat M

Current Teams:
Red Terror
Pfenix Quinn
Leon Gutierrez

Black Sheep Squad
Henry William French
George Barker
Trite of the Northern Penguins

Team Leaf
Mary Chan

The Rebels
Nogin the Nog
Thee Dude
Winston Hope Smith
Herr Vootsman

The Guys
Mister Y
Andy Dufresne
Wilker Nath

EZC Team
Super Nova
Alexandru Musaca
Saber AbdAllah

Raffle Prizes: