PIT OF DEATH! Night One...

Day 4,992, 04:02 Published in USA USA by Odysseus Rhymes

Welcome one and all to the first night of the Eternal Night! Darkness is everywhere but the Pit of Death which burns forever! Like a moth to the flame, we find our 32 survivors gathered around the Pit of Death in their various groups hoping to survive the night...

There are whispers already that some groups have already decided to work together, that they'll not be the ones to get tossed into the Pit of Death! Whether these rumors are true is neither here nor there, what is important is whether they can even trust their fellow survivors in their little groups.

Who are these survivors...
Right now word is there are 32 survivors formed into 8 teams ready to fight for survival. These are the future sacrifices to the Pit of Death! Only one Team can survive the challenge set before them, but who will it be?

The Rebels
Charlie Silverhand
C. Blue
Nogin the Nog
Thee Dude

Black Sheep Squad
Henry William French
George Barker

Impromptu USWP Squad
Andy Dufresne
Vincent Garibaldi

Crazy Canucks
Mary Chan

First To Fall
AG.Camat Menteng

Marxmen Sniper Squad
RF Williams

Impromptu 506 (PIR)
Super Nova
AG trimafadzi
Cassivs Dio

The Last Squad
Dark Creed
Herr Vootsman
john woodman

I'd wish them all good luck, but it's going to take more than that to come out on top...

All Survivors can complete 1 Action
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There are rumors...

04:05 - Rumor has it a shadow has been walking around to various survivors...
04:24 - Rumor has it the shadow of death has been cast on The Last Squad and the Marxmen Sniper Squad...
05:10 - Rumor has it there have been many crawling around in the dark on their hands and knees...
05:40 - Rumor has it the Stick of Death may have been found...
07:14 - Rumor has it the Potion of Life may have been found...
07:30 - Rumor has it empty boxes have been found around the Pit of Death...
07:44 - Rumor has it more than one person will die tonight...
10:10 - Rumor has it that the shadow of death hovers over The Last Squad and The Rebels...
11:50 - Rumor has it the 506 (PIR) might be making like their namesake and taking a plunge soon...
13:32 - Rumor has it the mirror of deflection has been found...
17:00 - Rumor has it there is now a clear... Survivor... Death has its eyes on...
17:20 - Rumor has it a majority of survivors have exhausted themselves already...
19:25 - Rumor has it Death has been convinced by the survivors and is on the move with a sacrifice in mind...

...but who can trust rumors?