Lead us not astray through racism we must pray.

Day 5,690, 03:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

My friends I am ashamed to be part of eIreland. It seems we applaud and cherish racism and racist. In Lanyislost's latest article she says the natives are getting restless. A very thinly disguised sideswap at the only african members of Ireland My friends me and kaitlinn both south africans and africans have been banned from the June 23 congress thread. The rule always was that active players that wanted to participate in the discussions of Ireland is allowed.

It seems we are banned as part of a Apartheid regime's strategy to silence its opponents. First Winston Hope Smith a long term member of congress and a leader of a party was constantly banned from all participation in government.

Lets just educate in 1927 the then Apartheid regime released a law called

The Native Administration Act. As part of my curiosity with the time I just so happen to have a copy of this act and all of its proclamations. A native was the term the british used for black people. Its a comprehensive guide that arranges everything for the "natives" at some point it even has a school curriculum and all kinds of oddities for example one could not loan money to a native that worked for a mine for some reason. I would therefore please not like to go through apartheid again. And ask that this user be perma banned . We simply cannot allow apartheid in our game. Excluding the "natives" I can only hang my head in shame that I am subjected to race laws again. Does some people have no shame.

Thanks and that will be all