Invasion of Sk

Day 505, 15:52 Published in China Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Attention all chinese. This invasion of South Korea is not sanctioned by the Iranian or Indonesian governments. Whoever is leading this invasion will be hanged at noon, in front of the South Korea - China border.

Any chinese fighting for China in an attempt of blatant imperialism will be forced to do the same. Be an intelligent citizen, fight for the right side : KOREA! Overthrow your current oppressor, logomaster304, who supports this ridiculous invasion.

Not to mention the fact, fellow comrades of the dear leader have found out Logo is only 15 years old. Anything said by Logo and his compatriots is a lie, DO NOT TRUST IT!

Serve the Dear Leader, serve the people. Impeach mimi, a puppet of Logomaster304, and supposedly his wife!