Ideal Food prices

Day 1,343, 07:06 Published in India India by MohanB

Hi guys

I was trying to calculate the ideal food prices with a set of assumptions and came up with the following results...

Profit - 20%
Tax - 12%
Food production - 100 per work
Salary 100 for Q5 and on pro-rata basis for the other Q levels.
Self mgr production will even reduce prices, so have tried to keep a equality of mgr production and employee production...

For a RM price of 0.31
RM Salary Profit Tax Ideal Price
Q1 31 20 64 72 0.72
Q2 62 40 128 145 1.45
Q3 93 60 191 217 2.17
Q4 124 80 255 290 2.90
Q5 155 100 319 362 3.62

For a RM price of 0.35
RM Salary Profit Tax Ideal Price
Q1 35 20 69 78 0.78
Q2 70 40 138 156 1.56
Q3 105 60 206 234 2.34
Q4 140 80 275 313 3.13
Q5 175 100 344 391 3.91

Anything over and above is actually overpriced and I strongly advice noobs to not buy at a higher price and reduce your potential to make money...

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ps. The calculations are subject to discussion, but guess I can defend 'em 😉