I love the smell of America in the morning.

Day 5,698, 20:15 Published in USA Croatia by Bob Boudahili

I am Proud and Horny to announce my candidacy for President of the eUnited States. I have been considering throwing my hat in the ring for several months now and at this moment, it seems the time is right.

I am working to finish assembling my cabinet but still looking for several deputies. Yes, you will recognize many names but if there is someone who wants their shot working in the executive, we can find a place for you. Our community will only grow and continue to prosper if we continue to bring more folks into the fold. Looking for a good cross-section of representation from our Top-5 parties.

My plans for the next month are to keep the stability and prosperity that we have been blessed with under the last several administrations. Additionally, I hope to be able to continue the media jump start that past-POTUS Custer was so passionate about. We have great programs in place to benefit citizens, but I am interested in hearing ideas about what else we can do and who is willing to lead initiatives. If you bring me a good idea, be ready to work!

You probably know me best from my many terms of service in Congress and as Speaker of the House. In Congress, I have done my best to be fair in my treatment of all and worked to promote a collegial attitude and expect I can do the same while leading the Executive as your next President of the eUnited States. I look forward to working with the new Congress to keep the wheels of government turning.