How does the dragons die?

Day 2,854, 02:14 Published in Japan Serbia by Stargazer89

It must be a magnificent sight. Hypnotizing. I always imagined that a dragon would die in combat. Defying his enemies. I would like to witness such event. When the dragon is born,hearts of the people in his kingdom tremble. And all of them know that a new ruler has come,and they hope that he'll be just and mild.
I wonder whether,when dragon dies,hearts of the people ache? Does the people feel helpless,unprotected,alone? And whether those who saw the death of such creature wish that they didn't? I would still like to see it. Shadow of death stalks us all; but,to wait for it with dignity,that is what we all must strive to. A dragon must be dignified!
I hear that,after death,the body of dragon turns to star dust. And that it creates constellation. It creates stars. A perfect end for a perfect being.
Funny thing,our own bodies are made of star dust. I wonder whether there's a DRAGON in all of us???
We had many dragons on the battlefield,that day! They didn't fail us. They have gone into legend which,through us,lives on. And still our hearts burn with dragon fire!

Beyazit Yildirim and his emirs watched with dismay as Serbian warriors crushed the lines of their reserve cavalry. Left flank of Beyazit horsemen,which already started coverage,was breaking. Surrounded with finest warriors,Turkish commanders charged into battle. Obilic,Kosancic and Toplica,although wounded and exhausted,were lifting their men's moral and fighting fresh Turkish troops rushing from all sides. Just a few hundred feet from there,ruler of the Otoman empire,Sultan Murat,was fighting,surrounded with the best warriors from Anadolia. Obilic saw him. The knight scratched his horse's belly with his spurs. Animal started to scream,it jumped and charged with all it's ferocity into Turkish troops. Kosancic and Toplica,as well as the other Serbian warriors,followed Obilic. The dragon was making the way through.
Great battle began around Sultan. Turkish soldiers were throwing javelins at the knights. The horse of Milos Obilic,wounded,started to stagger. Knight jumped out of his saddle and continued the fight on foot. In a few steps,he reached Sultan and with lighting strikes,he started to throw down Turks around him. He killed three of them,cut the arm off a fourth one,and attacked the fifth. Shocked,Turkish soldier yelled,moved and managed to raise his shield just before the strike. Sword of Milos Obilic broke in half. The intensity of that hit brought the Turk on his knees. Serbian knight drew his knife and cut the Turk's throat. And now,in front of him,there was Murat. Obilic stabbed him in the stomach!
Slaughter continued. Serbian warriors,inspired by their dragon's victory,fought like raged bulls. But,soon,they were overwhelmed by the Turks. Obilic was the first to fall,over the pile of Turkish corpses. Kosancic and Toplica,fighting by their dead friend,died almost instantly. Their soldiers kept on fighting,to honor the life of their masters,by giving their own! That is how the dragons die!

Right before noon,Vlatko Vukovic and Ivanes Horvat - leaders of Bosnian and Croatian troops - left their posts on the left flank of Serbian army. They thought that the battle was over,and that Serbs won it. They even despatched messengers to the north with great news - Christians are victorious!
Warriors of Vuk Brankovic were,for some time,chasing Turkish troopers who escaped from their right flank,in great numbers. But,Brankovic's reserve army did not enter the battle when it was needed. It didn't support the center of Serbian army,it didn't support Czar Lazar. So,fresh troops of Beyazit were able to completely surround Serbs. All hope of retreat has vanished!

Somehow I managed to get near Czar and his men. Through that chaos I recognized his armor and his shield. Serbs were trying to defend their master. But the battle was fiercest around him. Turkish horsemen were coming in waves,and Serbian warriors were trying to fight them off. I rushed to help them,but in all that commotion,I didn't see one of the Turks coming at me. He came from my right side and hit my horse with his sword. As the horse fell,so did I. I got on my knees and suddenly,I heard something flying through the air. I felt the heat,after the impact. When I looked down,I saw an arrow sticking out of my body. It pierced my lungs,and the head of the dragon on my armor...
In those final moments,I was only able to look at the Lazar for the last time. I saw him,fighting like a foot soldier,after losing another horse. Serbs around him,wounded,bloody,with battered helmets and armors,managed to fight off the Turks for a while. After they fell,Turkish warriors attacked Lazar like hungry wolfs. They captured him! They captured our DRAGON!
I fell down,on my back. The only thing I could see now is darkness. And through darkness,I saw some flying shapes. Many of them. I knew what they were. Ravens!
Flying over the battlefield,looking down on dying men. No,they are not just vultures. I realized it. They ARE heralds of death! They are here to take us to the afterlife. I close my eyes. I am ready now!
Damn ravens!

Battle lasted for eight hours,from eight in the morning,to four in the afternoon. Fifty thousand Turks fought against thirty thousand Serbs. Both great leaders have lost their lives on that day. Czar Lazar Hrebeljanovic was decapitated soon after imprisonment. Sultan Murat died in battle,so did his son Yakub Celebi. His other son,Beyazit Yildirim was forced to get his army,at least what has left of it,back to Turkey,so he can defend his throne. No Turkish army attacked European soil again,for almost a century.
Serbs won. We lost so many lives,but we won. Our ancestors bought something with their lives. They bought freedom! For a while,at least.
That is why I am forever grateful for being part of such a nation! We carry a message in our blood,in our bones. NEVER BOW YOUR HEAD IN FRONT OF A TYRANT!!! That is the message they have sent us that day,our ancestors. AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT!!!


The end.