Hibernia III

Day 4,664, 23:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Violence Seth

Hibernia III

What better way to destroy ourselves than remain apart and mistrusting amongst ourselves?

Is there any greater enemy than our own internal prejudices in the face of immeasurable odds?

We all share eIreland.

We've all put our time and effort into this eNation. RL Irish or not, players have gone above and beyond to fight for eIreland despite the odds, just to show aggressors we wouldn't bow down to them.

That has to count for something. If it counts for nought, ara sure what a waste. We've a chance if we forge on together though.

I've thrown my hat in the ring, I'm running for CP. The eIrish CP role comes with responsibility, qualities shown by both Rusty and Nerusia's leadership the past two terms.

I won't claim an eIreland under my leadership will try to retain the status quo, however alluring that path may seem. I have plans; plans I want every willing eIrish player to contribute to however they can. When'er they can. Plans that cannae be expressed openly.

Anyone may get the spot but I urge you all, regardless of the decision, to co-operate with each other, as sure as I will should any other player take the helm.

eIreland isn't broken as long as we're bound by that little flag on our profile. We're not finished yet, not by a long shot.

- Seth