For how long?

Day 758, 08:54 Published in Croatia Romania by deus otiosus

Dear friends,

despite our efforts and your help, we have lost the battle in Marmara. And we have lost for only a few damage points (~9000). As you know, in a battle sometimes is important the damage drain, the damage lost to side, unimportant battles. Over the past weeks, a lot of your fight potential has been lost to the Slovenian-Croatian war, including during the recent battle of Marmara.

]PEACE/Phoenix is maneuvering Slovenia against EDEN every time an important battle is under way. And here I ask: Don't you think it is enough? Don't you think we should teach PEACE/Phoenix a lesson? Teach Slovenia a lesson? Show them that puppet-states are no longer part of history? That every country should decide for itself when to attack, why to attack or attack altogether?

We, EDEN, have 12 allies against 6! I know that for the time being important is the Greece-Turkey war and the US attack in Asia, but let's think for the future: for how long do you want the Croatian army stopped in the middle of an important battle and recalled for a stupid waste of time, gold, weapons and fun?
