eUS Food Drop - Day 4,732

Day 4,732, 07:29 Published in USA USA by Odysseus Rhymes
Greetings and welcome!

My name is Odysseus Rhymes, also known as OdyRhy or Hector.

I've started a few philanthropic endeavors that a few know about. My Independence Media Partnership/KFC program which has provided funding for those who write articles in the eUS is still chugging along, even if I have to personally remind people to use it 😉 I also took over the food drops for an MU in the eUS which I have enjoyed greatly. You see I'm constantly looking for more ways to help our community with the resources I have so shoot me a message if you have an idea or have an MU that could use some food. Or just if you personally need some food or cash to help you out.

Now I'm no programmer nor do I hold a political office (which is hard to do when you are in no party 😛 ) so getting word out that you are dropping food for those who need it is made a smidge harder... so that's why I have this article, it's the tools I've got to handle the task at hand.

Anyways... Anyone who comments at all to this article will receive 250-500 food until the same time tomorrow. At which if anyone is interested I'll do this again. I'd ask you not to sponsor this article as the whole point is for it to be free 😉

Free food just comment.
DO NOT sponsor this article.
If it is received well I'll do it again.
Tell your friends who need food.