Dije que tendriais noticias mias... [ESP/EN]

Day 1,832, 17:27 Published in Spain Spain by Siddy Tramero

A ver, cosas:

1. Hoy cumplo 5 años en eRepublik. Srs Biz. Quería dejarlo en este día porque mola mazo.

2. Cosas que pasan:

Como no me da la gana enrollarme, voy a hacerlo breve, al estilo Tric0 dixit

3. Sobre jugar y tal

Obviamente no es recomendable que siga jugando como Siddy.

No obstante, me reservo el derecho de usar las nuevas cuentas que me vengan en gana y hacer con ellas lo que me venga en gana, si es que no lo he hecho ya.

4. Sobre que voy a hacer

La verdad es que me he pasado el juego y hay poco que me motiva.

No obstante se de personas que se han estado riendo sobre mi situación RL.

Daos por muertas. Toda la furia de la maquinaria Siddyista (?) + Nuevas cuentas, irán con el único objetivo en el juego de destruiros las eVidas. Sí, como a tric0. Soy maloteh.

Ale, enjoy
25 Nov 2007 - 25 Nov 2012

English Translation:

Some Things:

1. Today's my 5th eBirthday. Srs Biz. A cool day for leaving the game "officially".

2. Thigs that happen:

According to Tric0

Translation: "You won this war, I recognize you've been better, I bow before you...

But since you've been the first to cross the border between eR and RL, I guess you don't care that I follow this path, right? Well, here I have more powers as we're in crisis and the POWER OF MONEY is more important than anything. If I were you, I'd watch my back because I released the hounds. Sabadell (my home city) is not that big and the reward deserves it

Tric0: There's so much Son of a Bitch disguised as friends that you cannot ever be sure
Krieger: Trye Story, tric0. You should release the hounds
Tric0: That's already done 😉

3. About playing and shit

It's not advisable that I should be playing as Siddy as for now

However, I claim the right to use any new accounts and do with them whatever I want, if I haven't done that already.

4. About things to do

I've already beaten the game and I don't have that much motivations.

However, I know about peep taht have been laughing about my RL situation.

You're cooked. All the fury of the Siddyist machine (?) and the new accounts, will have the sole goal of destroying your eLives.

Yup, like Tric0, I'm an evil guy.

Ale, enjoy
25 Nov 2007 - 25 Nov 2012