A congressional checklist!

Day 1,580, 19:41 Published in Canada Canada by Code-Y

Hello! For those who don't know me, I'm Code-Y! I'm a patriot to Canada and hard working man. I'm also a congressman, an 8 (soon to be 9) time congressman! Over all my terms in Congress, I've picked up a few tips on what, and what NOT to do in congress.

1. Be Inactive, and uninformed, You were elected for a reason, if you don't vote, don't go on forums, and resign in 2 days, you're not doing it right.

2. Act like 5 year olds, Yes, it's a game. But as a Congressman you're expected to have a certain degree of maturity. Now I'm no Kronos_Q or nothing, but resorting to insults in congressional discussions or forcing "lulz" proposals is something you shouldn't be doing.

3. Impeach the president, It doesn't always work! But if you do decide to do this, have a 24 hour discussion on forums beforehand.

Now I know, we're all angry at these dumb congressmen! Why do they break the rules! Why do we elect these idiots! Why do I even bother!

Congressman are humans too, despite what you've been told. They make mistakes, first times and long times, it still happens. Practice makes perfect, but in society there is no perfection.

Anyways, I'm a sensible congressman with tons of experience, so you know I won't be doing any of this stupid stuff. So uh, farewell, and