A call to arms!

Day 2,748, 13:13 Published in Romania Romania by Tigran the Great
A call to arms

Hello Asterian citizens!

Today we are faced with an interesting situation. Our friend, former Asteria member, Greece, has found itself in a bit of trouble. Fighting fiercely on the Bulgarian front, our enemies now wish to take advantage of their situation and render the Greeks without territories. So far their efforts seem to be paying off, Greece losing most of its occupied southern regions and one of occupied Macedonia as well.

Now they are locked in 3 wars: the war to keep Macedonia occupied, the war to keep the Bulgarians at bay, and the war for Egypt, where Argentina’s arch-enemy Chile is now trying to settle.

So I raise the question: do we abandon our old allies? Let them handle the fighting on their own? Or are we going to prove to the world, once and for all, that Asteria truly is a brotherhood, and that the words “let Asteria be run by friendship, brotherhood, mutual trust and understanding” actually mean something to us?

Sure, Greece isn’t a member now, but let’s not forget that we are friends, above all else. Let’s not forget the past, for it shapes the future. Let us not forget our brothers, but pick up arms and head into battle, proving our power and valor time and time again until our enemies finally get the picture. We owe this to Greece, but more importantly, we owe it to the eWorld. We owe it to them to show them that we care for our friends, those who would be named pro Asteria, former members of both Asteria and LETO. We owe it to them because as an alliance, we have proven that the most powerful weapon is friendship and we care of what happens to the eWorld. We care about everyone and every conflict.

Let us show the Bulgarians, Macedonians and Chillians what happens when you pick on someone. If I recall correctly, the Chillians have been defeated before, yet they don’t learn. The Bulgarians have a pact with us, due to the past Romanian-Bulgarian conflict, that clearly states they are not to attack any members of our alliance or pro Asteria countries. Seems they both need their memories refreshed.

Now.. Asterians.. SHALL WE BEGIN?!

Al vostru,