Day 4,790, 09:11 Published in Croatia Croatia by Vittorio Santo

Slavili smo ju kao da će biti najbolja godina do sad. Prema prijašnjim godinama i trebala je biti najbolja godina. 2020. Čak su se i brojke slagale. Sve je bilo u redu do drugog mjeseca kad je u Hrvatsku stigao COVID-19 poznatiji kao koronavirus. Tu je sve krenulo nizbrdo. Uskoro nakon pojave korone u Hrvatskoj uslijedio je lockdown, sve se zatvorilo i bili smo ograničeni na općine. Uskoro nakon toga uslijedio je Zagrebački potres. Potres koji je oštetio glavni grad, a tresla se cijela Sjeverozapadna Hrvatska. Prije toga uopće nismo ni razmišljali o potresima u Hrvatskoj i nismo znali da su mogući. Tri mjeseca nakon toga započela je turistička sezona i broj zaraženih je brzo počeo "smanjivati" da bi mogli opet otvoriti Hrvatsku. U srpnju nastupaju parlamentarni izbori i broj zaraženih se mistično smanjuje. HDZ pobjeđuje na izborima i ostaje izabrana stranka drugi put za redom. Do desetog mjeseca nismo loše stajali s porastom zaraženih, ali onda je brojka počela rasti i najgore županije po zaraženosti postaju Međimurska i Varaždinska županija. U Varaždinu i Čakovcu zatvaraju se neke škole, i razmišlja se o lockdownu. Kroz 12. mjesec zatvaraju se sve srednje škole te prelaze na online nastavu, a oko Božića zatvaraju se županije i zabranjen je prelazak iz županije u županiju bez propusnice. Dana 28. prosinca Hrvatsku pogodio je potres magnitude 5 po richteru. Najviše je pogođen epicentar i područje oko epicentra odnosno Petrinja. Dan kasnije uslijedio je jači potres koji je razrušio grad i okolna sela. Slabiji potresi konstantno tresu tlo Hrvatske, a nadajmo se da više neće biti jačih. Bila je to godina za pamtiti i za nekoliko sati je gotova. Možemo se nadati da će iduća godina biti bolja i ljepša za pamtiti nego ova.

We celebrated it as if it would be the best year so far. According to previous years, it should have been the best year. 2020. Even the numbers matched. Everything was fine until the second month when COVID-19, better known as coronavirus, arrived in Croatia. That's where it all went downhill. Soon after the appearance of the crown in Croatia, a lockdown followed, everything closed and we were limited to municipalities. Soon after, the Zagreb earthquake followed. An earthquake that damaged the capital, and the whole of Northwestern Croatia shook. Before that, we didn't even think about earthquakes in Croatia and we didn't know they were possible. Three months later, the tourist season began and the number of those infected quickly began to "decrease" so that they could reopen Croatia. Parliamentary elections take place in July and the number of those infected is mystically declining. The HDZ wins the election and remains the elected part for the second time in a row. Until the tenth month, we did not fare badly with the increase in the number of infected, but then the number began to grow and the worst counties in terms of infection became Međimurje and Varaždin counties. Some schools are closing in Varaždin and Čakovec, and a lockdown is being considered. During the 12th month, all high schools will be closed and online classes will be switched on, and around Christmas the counties will be closed and it will be forbidden to move from the county to the county without a pass. On December 28, Croatia was hit by a magnitude 5 earthquake. The epicenter and the area around the epicenter, ie Petrinja, were most affected. A day later, a stronger earthquake followed that destroyed the city and surrounding villages. Weaker earthquakes are constantly shaking the soil of Croatia, and let's hope that there will be no more strong ones. It was a year to remember and in a few hours it was over. We can hope that next year will be better and more beautiful to remember than this one.