[Unionion muurimuseo] Erikoispainos Cendorrin diktatuurin kunniaksi

Day 3,318, 13:07 Published in Finland Finland by Otus Leucotis

Kuten viestilistoilta olette saattaneet huomata, on Georgia saanut diktaattorin. Romanian siirtomaana tunnettu Georgia taipui C-miehen alaisuuteen verrattain kevyesti, ja maa onkin vaipunut nyt täyteen horrokseen. Maa on kovin köyhä, joten miljoonan maksavaa vallankumousta tuskin on luvassa lähiaikoina. Cendorr saanee siis hallita niin pitkään kuin haluaa.

Selvää on, että tämä on ehdottomasti Cendorrin lukuisista ulkomaanmatkoista menestyksekkäin. Jotta totuus ei kuitenkaan unohtuisi, päätin jakaa kanssanne logit Cendorrin pyrkimyksistä valloittaa eYhdysvallat keväällä 2012. Artikkelin tapahtumapaikkana on siis jenkkien maahanmuuttokanava rizonissa, #IES.

Taustaa sen verran, että tyytymättömät babyboomilaiset keksivät siinä maaliskuun paikkeilla, että jenkkiarmeijasta sai huomattavasti suuremman varustemäärän kuin Suomesta. Kevään hallitukset pyrkivät nostamaan armeijan jakomääriä, mutta eduskunta pisti nopeasti stopin verojen nostamiselle pakottaen sotilaat katsomaan aidan toiselle puolelle. Vielä tuolloin sotilasyksikköön liittyminen vaati maan kansalaisuuden, ja siksipä jenkkien maahanmuuttovastaavat pääsivät aina välillä nauttimaan eSuomalaisesta keskustelukulttuurista.

Mutta nyt C-seikkailuun:

Cendorr on kyllästynyt Ranskassa asumiseen, mutta paluu eSuomen kevääseen ei innosta. Pienen pohdinnan jälkeen herra ottaa suunnaksi (taas kerran) Amerikan.
Session Start: Sun Apr 22 19:59:34 2012
[20:05:59] (Cendor) Any congress member?
[20:12:25] (Cendor) I want USA cs
[20:12:33] (Cendor) I have requested twice that
[20:13:27] (Cendor) But some finnish guy called Fettis has told you that im "pizza the hut", so you havent let me in...
[20:13:29] (t0b1) ... I think that says something if your application has been denied twice.
[20:13:48] (Cendor) It's Fettis who caused this
[20:14:06] (Cendor) he was a criminal in finland, manipulated our elections
[20:14:11] (Cendor) and he hates me
[20:14:22] (Fettis) I hope it will be denied again, u don't deserve eUSA CS, I just CAN'T let one plague go to eFinland's fellow ally - USA.
[20:14:50] (Cendor) Are you some boss here?
[20:14:55] (Cendor) or what are you saying?
[20:14:59] (Fettis) I'm ur mom
[20:15:23] (Cendor) im horrible person only in Fettis's mind
[20:15:41] (Cendor) because I told Finnish media what Fettis did in presidental elections
[20:15:46] (Cendor) so thats logical
[20:16:11] (Cendor) You should not note what he's saying about me

Paikalla on myös tänään runsaasti suomalaisyleisöä. Itsekin pressamiehenä hengailin kanavalla, koska halusin lähteä kauteni jälkeen takaisin Amerikan lämpöön.
[20:17:00] (t0b1) I agree with Fettis in this thing, Cendor, you've done so many things that jeopardized the national security of eFinland so I can't allow you entering eUSA.
[20:18:06] (Jafarin) t0b1 say who?
[20:18:30] (Jafarin) who say that Cendorr has jeopardized national security of eFinland?
[20:18:47] (Minixmix) CP of eFinland?? :3

Hämmennystä aiheuttaa Fettis, joka virkakiellostaan huolimatta veljeilee jenkkien kanssa.
[20:18:53] (Cendor) he was leading that illegal CS operation in finland
[20:19:09] (Cendor) Why did you let in more dangerous criminals than I?
[20:19:27] (Jafarin) Fettis was banned from eFinland official jobs for 3 months because of actions agains of eFinland
[20:19:39] (Cendor) I was banned 1 month
[20:19:44] (Cendor) because i joined that operation
[20:20:01] (Jafarin) and because of Cendor followed order given by Fettis
[20:20:08] (Cendor) And im hated because of that i spoke in the media
[20:20:57] (Jafarin) Cendor wasn't get punishment from any other reason or actions
[20:21:18] (Jafarin) You let Fettis join eUSA but not Cendor?

Ja paikalle saapuu lisää yleisöä seuraamaan Cendorrin uusinta projektia
[20:21:00] * Spudrobera has joined #IES
[20:21:30] (Spudrobera) Fettis PTOd Finland
[20:23:06] * Teekka has joined #IES
[20:23:38] * Rakala has joined #IES
[20:23:41] * Enkeli has joined #IES
[20:23:53] (Cendor) here comes my friends
[20:23:56] (Cendor) 😃
[20:24:04] * Pedersprii has joined #IES

Paikalle saapuneet suomalaiset tuovat runsaasti lisäarvoa keskusteluun.
[20:24:10] (Enkeli) Let cendorr to eUsa, we want to get rid of him for good + Fettis is amis and hompho
[20:24:14] (Pedersprii) i am 12 and who is this
[20:24:15] (Cendor) listen my friends, dear congress members
[20:24:36] (Spudrobera) posting in epics
[20:24:38] (Jafarin) Enkeli shut up
[20:24:49] * Kammo22 has joined #IES
[20:25:17] (Enkeli) Jafarin dont you like me anymore🙁
[20:25:28] (Teekka) what hearings
[20:25:30] (Jafarin) Hello my dear ex-President Kammo

Keskustelu Cendorrin rötöksistä jatkuu.
[20:25:33] (t0b1) Cendor, you published password to private congress channel and many other things, maybe there's reason why you're not quite the most loved people from Finland.
[20:25:58] (Rakala) not true
[20:26:11] (Jafarin) t0b1, that's isn't true. Parlament haven't handle any case about that.
[20:26:15] (Rakala) cendor hasn't leaked any passwords
[20:26:29] * Siegen has joined #IES
[20:26:51] (Cendor) It wasnt me who published it
[20:27:08] (Cendor) they only blame me, because its me
[20:27:17] (Cendor) who is easy to blame
[20:27:43] (Enkeli) Yes, everyone always blames Cendorr because he has asburgers
[20:29:40] * sancai has joined #IES

Ja kun argumentit loppuvat, siirrytään keskustelussa huhuihin. (Kiistän kaiken.)
[20:29:41] (Cendor) minimix plans to steal finnish treasury with fettis, i heard
[20:29:49] (Cendor) but not sure is he serious 😃
[20:29:52] (sancai) moi cendor
[20:29:55] (Enkeli) I heard Minixmix is hompho
[2😇0:12] (Siegen) Just today i heard that Cendor is attempting to destroy the economy.
[2😇0:25] (Siegen) From reliable sources
[2😇😇0] (Cendor) i destroy economy? see... they blame me everything!

Kaikki eivät pysy Chärryillä.
[2😇😇6] (sancai) Mikä kannu tää niiku on?
[2😇0:45] (Siegen) Jenkkien maahanmuuttoviraston
[2😇0:48] * t0b1 is eating popcorn
[2😇0:57] (Jafarin) Semmoinen missä sotketaan Cendorin pääsy jenkkeihin
[2😇1:20] (Jafarin) ja kovaa vauhtia 🙁

Huhuista siirrytään sala(mi)liittoihin
[2😇1:27] (Cendor) everything is made by fettis!
[2😇1:38] (Cendor) he has ruined my game
[2😇2:44] * Jafarin takes popcorn from t0b1
[2😇2:49] (Jafarin) wants coke?
[2😇2:56] (Pedersprii) cendorr broke his MU today
[2😇4:16] (aaliz) Cendorr broke my erepublik
[2😇4:28] (Cendor) other insane blame ....
[2😇4:35] (Spudrobera) fetis has an romplems with cendorr becuase he was kompure'd at hemingway's
[2😇5:05] (Pedersprii) have you heard when restaurant discriminating handicappes?
[2😇5:08] (Pedersprii) poor Cendor :/
[2😇5:25] (Pedersprii) they had problems officer becaus of cendors kompuring

Nythän ne vasta hokasi, että jenkkejä ei kauheesti kinosta.
[2😇6:15] (Cendor) i guess no one listens us?
[2😇6:34] (Jafarin) They lolling too hard
[2😇6:42] (Cendor) Oh
[2😇6:44] * JuliusCaesar has joined #IES
[2😇7:21] (JuliusCaesar) Cendorr is the best citizen ever o/
[2😇8:00] * Sambyla has joined #IES
[2😇8:30] (Sambyla) Cendorr is very dangerous person, don't mess with him
[2😇8:34] (JuliusCaesar) Just take Cendorr
[2😇8:39] (JuliusCaesar) he is the best 🙂
[2😇8:53] (t0b1) Please Cendorr, stay in France and be their harm. That's all I say before I go get more popcorn

Cendorr oli jo vuonna 2012 merkittävä tekijä taistelukentillä
[2😇9:56] (Cendor) Im gonna buy 100 bazookas tomorrow
[20:40:04] (Cendor) and i have 107 now
[20:40:04] (Sambyla) If sinko veljet and KKML is on ur side u cant lose
[20:40:22] (Sambyla) KKML= national conservative metal union
[20:41:34] (Cendor) im a good guy
[20:41:37] (Cendor) just adhd
[20:41:38] (Cendor) 😃
06[20:41:42] * %ascii . o O (just adhd)
[20:41:44] (%ascii) 😁
[20:42:15] (Cendor) i want to come usa because you have better bonuses
[20:42:26] (Cendor) not going to politics, i have had enough that in finland
[20:42:48] (Cendor) just going to fight for usa and run my companies

Jenkeille tosiaan tuli lähes 100 hakemusta per päivä, joten passeja sai lähinnä vain sotilasyksikköjen tai hyvävelikerhojen kautta.
[20:52:42] (+JK|Away) Don't mistake cautious for slow
[20:52:48] (+JK|Away) And remember, there are limited passes
[20:52:54] (+JK|Away) There are very few left
[20:53:16] (Enkeli) Yes but special people should get first because they cant stand for long
[21:11:29] (Cendor) Firo have you any cs left?
[21:13:12] (&Firo_Prochainezo) If I were in congress, I'd have over 9000 left
[21:13:15] (&Firo_Prochainezo) We're extremely low, though.

[21:23:14] (vvip) what a drama
[21:23:15] (vvip) 😉
[21:34:35] (%ascii) I wish they didn't have to go 😞

Juuh elikkäs
[21:22:44] (Pedersprii) does #ies mean infinite es?
[21:23:10] (Spudrobera) peder my friand
[21:23:12] (Spudrobera) we hav found it
[21:23:15] (Spudrobera) the fountain of youth
[21:23:20] (Spudrobera) iES
[21:23:48] (Pedersprii) we will haev infinite pärinä for 9000 years
[21:26:33] (Spudrobera) i hav taken a picture of it and its beotifull

[21:28:31] (Pedersprii) oh dog what fountain u hav there
[21:35:24] (Spudrobera) yes peder mi frend there is a dog in the fountain too
[21:35:34] (Spudrobera) forever yong

[21:42:35] (Pedersprii) why no ones chats here and why dont you give cititzen kane to cendor he is coolest guy in efinland
[21:43:33] (Enkeli) they think he is drunken and cant enter because he is special man and cant walk so good
[21:43:45] (Spudrobera) is this plase hemingway's??
[21:44:05] (Enkeli) very much like hemingway's yes
[21:44:17] (Enkeli) but different hemingway's
[21:44:24] (Pedersprii) i believe this is going to be a fars
[21:44:40] (Spudrobera) are we getting on iltalehti?
[21:45:15] (Pedersprii) i will nettivink iltalehti about this
[21:45:33] (Pedersprii) infinite es and no entry for handicapped
[21:45:50] (Spudrobera) hemingway's discrimnaetd peder and his friand for kompurointi
[21:46:24] (Pedersprii) have you heard about spurdo? cendor is one
[21:46:47] (Spudrobera) oh no! are you cereal?

Cendorr myöntää tappionsa ja poistuu paikalta
[21:48:33] (Spudrobera) Enkeli pls
[21:48:35] (Spudrobera) get outs from heres
[21:48:49] (Enkeli) no I want to stay
[21:48:57] (Enkeli) This is my favorite channel ever
[21:48:58] (Enkeli) plz
[21:49:03] (Spudrobera) no enkeli pls
[21:49:04] (Spudrobera) get outs
[21:52:08] (Pedersprii) our king left we must also go and sorry i kompur in the stairs
[21:52:21] (Spudrobera) get outs from heres

Vaalit ovat ohitse, ja toiveikas Cendorr palaa hakemuksensa kanssa kanavalle.
Session Start: Thu Apr 26 18:47:25 2012
Session Ident: #IES
[18:47:25] * Now talking in #IES
[18:54:01] * Cendorr has joined #IES
[18:54:48] (Cendorrr) hello
[19:01:27] (Cendorrr) just came to ask may it be possible to save cs for me?

Suojelusenkelit ovat kuitenkin aina paikalla
[19:01:56] (Cendorrr) btw
[19:02:14] (Cendorrr) yesterday I did 6.7 m. damage for usa
[19:02:29] (Enkeli) Against USA you mean
[19:02:34] (Cendorrr) for usa
[19:02:38] (Enkeli) No, against
[19:02:40] (Enkeli) I saw it
[19:02:42] (Cendorrr) you can check that
[19:02:58] (Enkeli) Your proofs are all fakes
[19:03:03] (Enkeli) I saw you doing them
[19:03:08] (Cendorrr) check my profile
[19:03:09] (Andr3i) lol
[19:03:15] (Enkeli) your profile is a fake
[19:03:22] (Andr3i) you can chek erep battle watcher
[19:03:34] (Enkeli) Cendorrr also faked results there
[19:03:39] (Cendorrr) check everywhere
[19:03:46] (Enkeli) you put fakes everywhere
[19:03:54] (Enkeli) then you went to PTO club with Fettis
[19:04:01] (Enkeli) and partied all night long
[19:04:06] (Cendorrr) fettis ordered me

Vihdoin! Kansanedustaja saapuu paikalle!
[19:04:25] (Edward_LoCo) Cendorrr just fill the application, you will be checked 🙂 if you are okay will be approved if not denied. simple
[19:04:40] (Andr3i) Edward_LoCo, are you congressman?
[19:04:47] (Edward_LoCo) yes
[19:05:16] (Cendorrr) edward_Loco , im seriously worried about my process to be ruined by some people in finland who hate me
[19:05:41] (Cendorrr) what are the reasons you might deny me?
[19:06:09] (Cendorrr) last time when i filled it, Fettis stopped me
[19:06:24] (Cendorrr) so i cant trust very much your system
[19:07:07] (Cendorrr) that's very sad because without those few people i would of course get in

Cendorr saa vihdoin haluamansa tilaisuuden selittää
[20:19:36] (%Away|SladeCash) Cendorr, there's an old note from two denials ago that says you're the Ajay of Finland
[20:19:41] (%Away|SladeCash) how do you plead to these charges?
[20:20:04] (Cendorrr) few powerful man hate me
[20:20:06] (Amun_Nefer) Ajay is the God of PTO :3
[20:2😇4] (Amun_Nefer) also known as Pizza the Hut and Cartmen Lee

[20:21:30] (Enkeli) Away|SladeCash Cendorrr was only in EDEN PTO of Finland led by petzku and Fettis. Mostly we hate Cendorrr because he is annoying as hel, writes useless article every 15 minutes and is muslim irl
[20:21:45] (Cendorrr) lies
[20:22:00] (Cendorrr) enkeli go away
[20:22:23] (%Away|SladeCash) well I don't give a -- what religion you are
[20:22:29] (Cendorrr) im not muslim!

Ja sieltähän se päätös lopulta tuli: C-muslimit eivät ole tervetulleita
[20:22:29] (%Away|SladeCash) but you're not an allied MU supplier
[20:22:41] (%Away|SladeCash) and you have no reference because the guy you listed is right here and he's not vouching
[20:22:49] (%Away|SladeCash) so by our current standards I am denying
[20:22:49] (%Away|SladeCash) sorry
[20:23:33] (%Away|SladeCash) case closed for this month
[20:23:54] (%Away|SladeCash) you can appeal to Longoba if you feel I have denied you wrongly
[20:24:01] (t0b1) You should always ask people before mentioning them as voucher.

Ja kuten vuosien saatossa on tullut tutuksi, jos Cendorr ei saa haluamaansa virallista tietä, löytää mies aina vaihtoehtoisen polun.
[20:45:49] (Cendorrr) buying a cs 300k cc
[20:45:50] (Cendorrr) 😃
[20:45:53] (%ascii) 🙂
[20:48:24] (Cendorrr) i’ll donate US government that sum if you let me in
[22:20:25] (%Away|SladeCash) Cendorr, you'd be better off just disappearing for a while
[22:20:55] (%Away|SladeCash) just do yourself a favor and shut up
[22:21:12] (Cendorrr__) ill try again maybe next month
[22:21:23] (Cendorrr__) ill go now
[22:21:28] (Cendorrr__) bye 🙂
[22:21:35] * Cendorrr__ has left #IES
Session Close: Fri Apr 27 01:22:24 2012

Lopulta Cendorr onnistui ostamaan kansalaisuutensa Ajayn tukijoukoilta. Viihtyi se kai pari viikkoa siellä? 5/5, kaiken vaivan arvoista.

Kauan eläköön Georgian keisari Cenwrath I Suuri!