Day 4,482, 10:17 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

Like I briefly mentioned in my last article, I officially intend to re run for the seat of President of eUSA for the month of March! I know I jumped in this adventure with lot's of opposition and adversity .. But so far, I must say, I truly enjoy the challenge. This position gave me the opportunity to meet and chat with many amazing persons from the american community.. and to expand by 10 time my network of connection in the allies and foes community as well. The challenge still full with the shapes and faces of the world continuously evolving.. World balance have shifted lately with Asteria making a strong return on the battlefield. CODE and ANDES are fighting hard to keep their members sovereignty but lets face it, we need to get our shit together as an alliance. I worked long hours with our allies to coordinate and help.. I want to make USA involvement even higher and further in the near future. We dont have war in our core yet.. But thing can change real fast! This is why we need an active and available POTUS, which I am 🙂

Yesterday, Congress elections were held all around the globe. On the local scene, We've seen a nice hike in votes numbers. That show us we have a growing community and this is a nice sign for the future.

I have few ideas to help improve the eUSA community as well. I will present a project to congress soon and ask for funding. A nice media contest, run once a month with money prizes. You will be able to find all the details on the forum! We have terrific journalists and writers in the country. Lets find a way to motivate them so we can all enjoy their work!

I also want the government to start a national emergency weapons stock! We have currencies stockpiling in government accounts and CBO, sitting there with no use (Admin still havent made any annonces concerning the Battles Orders). I intend to ask congress to add funds to the budget so we can purchase Q7 weapons while the price are low - like right now - ... That way, we will be able to provide our citizens with good quality weapons when the shortage of weapons occur on the world market! During special events, everyone knows weapons prices hike like crazy and young players can't afford to buy weapons and end up fighting bare handed.. That's total waste of potential in ranking up and getting stronger as a nation.

In a few days, I'll publish some more articles about the team and will hold a nice Q&A both on Discord and Telegram! Date to be determined later!

In my last articles, I linked some media papers I tought were useful.. Now, I want to make this a thing in every article I'll publish. I will link my Top 5 articles I've read in the previous days from players of all horizons..


1- Rabbit of Caerbannog *** Little world wide edition for a friend***
2- Atomic Fighter
3- Animis
4- Melissa Rose
5- Max Planck

Useful links for everyone !