Day 4,523, 20:59 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia
Groot Crew!


Yes America, you're entitled to some bragging!

You can be proud and walk with your head up high with the show of force all of you demonstrated today in our raging battle(ongoing) with Iran!

We proved once again that we are stronger than our world ranking show.. When we all unite and work together with our Allies.. We can overcome strong enemies! Despite we fell short in Round 3 with epic in all divisions except the first, and an incredibly tremendous show of force in the round 4 Air battle.. The score is unfortunately not in our favor. But don't beat yourself up and certainly don't take this as failure.. I consider we accomplished our mission! We will make it to round 8.. maybe 9! We gave Iran a good fight and they had to dig in their reserves to secure the victory!

Let's not forget our allies who showed up in huge number with all the big Guns and Bars! Houaaah!

But image worth a thousand words so see for yourself!

All hail to our Warriors! 450k Air Damage to make it in the top 50.. Not to bad!