[MoE] News and creation of a Committee of Businessmen in eNigeria

Day 2,579, 17:57 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

Hello Nigerians!

Today I would like to communicate with you by the following topics:

Changes associated with the Economic Module

Plan to improve the marketplace in Nigeria

In earlier days the team of the Ministry of Economy decided to improve the offer in variety and quantity of products in our marketplace. The employ strategy is as follows:

- Reduce import taxes 1%: This has been achieved today.

- Subsidize trade licenses: In the previous governance were given eight subsidies for the value of 10 gold each to the following people:

1 - Kalif Batan
2 - Cyberion
3 - Hunnensohn
4 - Stente
5 - Satyre Reynes
6 - Lord Tywin Lannister
7 - Edelmann
8 - T e m i s t o c l e s

These measures have improved the quality of our market. Although still must continue to grow and fortaleiendo the variety and quantity of products offered. This must follow desarrollándoce, is just beginning.

Committee Businessmen in eNigeria

The team of the Ministry invites all citizens licensed trade in Nigeria, part of a Committee of to improve strategies and negotiations related to the economy of this country. We want to create a direct channel of communication with businessmen who have citizenship in Nigeria and also with foreigners citizens who hold a license to trade in our country. We are interested in receiving proposals, ideas, initiatives that seek to improve the game of economic module in Nigeria, discuss together on this and take feasible positive strategies to be implemented.
Citizens interested in joining this committee, please send the Governor Poncho Warrior an mp and accept your friend request to be included in a chain of messages in the game.

Greetings and good game!

Team of the Ministry of Economy
Poncho Warrior - Hunnensohn - vieja29 - NorthAfricaCorps - hanf444.


[MoE] News and creation of a Committee of Businessmen in eNigeria