[Ministry of Internal Affairs] Granting citizenship

Day 2,637, 09:00 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Nigerian National Bank

Dear citizens and congressmen of eNigeria!

It is very important that our community is composed of players seeking the common good of Nigeria and the best estartegia playing for our country. Lamenteblemente may have citizens who only seek to steal the treasure or not seeking that Nigeria continues to grow and fotaleciendo their community. So we must consider and evaluate well every citizen who wishes to enter Nigeria.

This is a reminder of the correct and legal modes of procedure for granting citizenship of Nigeria to anyone who requests it:

Step 1:
Everyone who wants to get the eNigerian citizenship must fill in this form first:
If anyone asks you to give him the citizenship, tell him to fill this form!

Step 2:
The Minister of Interior checks the answers. He also looks at many other things to see, if the applicant is trustworthy. The Minister of Interior fills this sheet:

Step 3:
Every congressman can now see, if he is allowed to give the citizenship to any applicant.

Each president of a political party must be very responsible when choosing candidates for Congress. As well as members of a political party should collaborate in disseminating this information in your group here in Nigeria. Congressmen, as can be seen, play an important role, so your responsibility is even greater than in the rest of the members of the community.

I hope that with the cooperation of all political parties and their congressmen we work every day in the best way possible.

Greetings and good game!

MoIA - Satyre Reynes
vMoIA - Poncho Warrior