[Groot] Part III - Platform [MAGA]

Day 4,731, 12:05 Published in USA USA by Groot of Cascadia

Previous Campaign articles:



Ressource War fallout!

Still 4 days to go to the ressource wars event and USA is currently sitting on a 9/10 ressources bonus. Rubber is the last Very rare ressource that keep elude our graps! It's certainly not because we didn't tried our best to get it ! So many reasons could be brought up to explain why we still not have full bonuses.. Never the less, we still have 1 opportunity to grab the elusive rubber in the coming days.

No matter how this event ends, I already mandate cabinet members to work on a back up plan in case we fail to secure rubber. All options will evaluated to assure we get the best production bonus possible for our company owners.

For this term, I have a lot of stuff I will be working on.. both domestically and internationally.

Revisiting our NAP with Asteria

Our NAP will come to an end very soon and my team and I will be brainstorming about whether or not we want to renew it, get better terms or simply drop it.

Relocation Program

Once the Ressource Wars is over, many citizen will find themselves in non bonus region with their holding. I think it's government responsibility to ensure they can move in safe bonus region. We will need to dress the list of new regions who will be use for Training wars and have people relocate thier companies.

Foreign Policies

I have appointed Carlos to Foreign affairs for a good reason! This guy delivered big time under Tyler and Krapis administration. I want our country to keep moving in the best direction. Stability is the key! Carlos knows everyone.. have good relations with most people of the community. He will have for task to rebuilt some bridges burnt during Ressource Wars, reaching out for new training war partners and of course, be present at the negotiation table when time comes to make a final decision for the NAP

Interior Policies

King Taco as worked countless hours to build the DoI website and run it! He took some time of recently due to real life stuff. But when I asked him if he was interested to join my team, he accepted immediately and assured me he would be 100% available! That's great news for our country! The Interior team will have big shoes to fill .. Tyler is pretty much the best when times comes to promote community activity! I have some examples of stuff I think could be promoted and improved.. Fantasy Fighters League is one of them. I like the concept and I think we can make it even better!

November promisses to be a crazy month. We will have Black Friday, Erepublik Anniversary .. and much more. Our country will be facing tough decisions that will have a huge impact on our futur overall! I believe I'm the best person to lead oour country during these crucial time! I also want to wish best of luck to my opponents for the election!


I want to take few lines to show my gratitude toward the We The People political group on whom I can always count for unconditional support! This endorsement means the world to me 🙂

Stay Grooty!