[CP] Hell of a Ride!

Day 4,184, 13:01 Published in Ireland Serbia by Don Croata.

Hello Eire

The first thing I’d like to point out in this goodbye article is that I’m proud to share the same eNation with all of The Fighting Irish that contribute to our country one way or another. We’ve seen a month withh no wrong move, we all supported each other and it produced probably the most successful month in the last couple of years. Or maybe that’s just my own subjective impression. I’m also extremely proud on our whole alliance, they’ve been the friends one can only wish for. I truly hope we’re going to maintain this kind of activity and commitment we had during April & May.

This month was full of events, we’ve seen eWorld changing, Ireland outplaying its enemies, tons of coordinated strikes, useful projects and articles. We’ve seen the world’s biggest alliance slowly falling apart while the balance has been restored to the world. We’ve made many steps during this term and none of those has been a wrong one. We’ve been preparing for this for a long time and the great players that ran us in past months can be equally proud of all the accomplishments as me.

Success in Wars

All of our enemies has been kicked out of our region, we had four nations ‘from the other side’ on our borders, they’ve been a constant threat to our security, but now they’re all removed. In the meantime we helped our Australian allies to liberate themselves. We took part in one of the biggest world wars this game has ever seen and we did it in style. Ireland has been one of the main contributor in every air battle our allies had to win.

We built ourselves an alliance, band of brothers we can always rely on. We improved our relations with many countries, we made new friends. Turkey, Croatia, Greece, Argentina, Hungary, they’ve all been there for us when we needed it. Georgia and Pakistan did Airstrikes to counter that Swedish Airstrike that was meant to be the part of Asteria’s offensive attack. We took Northern Ireland and got it under our control. We organized ourselves and encouraged more people than ever to fight under the Irish flags. Our Army has grown, our firepower got bigger. We truly made huge steps toward being the proper mid-sized country of this game.

Orders has been updated all of the time, everyone who wanted to know where and why we’re fighting got that informations as soon as he looked for it. Our soldiers got more supplies than ever before with the two ongoing projects we had.

We took the strategy in our hands and outplayed those who has been insulting us in many ways before. We made them look like clowns and got the whole world laughing to their moves. We didn’t make new enemies and we kept respecting the old ‘enemies’ we used to respect. We played this game like it’s supposed to be played.

Economy & Production

Thanks to the agreed deal with our friends from USA we secured 100% food & 70% weapon bonuses for our country. Our producers are making more profits that ever, while our pollution and cost of the work is still lower than in other production regions. We can finally say that eIreland has became one of the most desired countries to get your holding at. Our incomes haven’t been growing fast due to ongoing war, but we kept the control over our public finances, spending only 200 000cc on the war efforts.

We made a nice profit trading and making moves on the monetary market. More detailed report is yet to be published. We kept our good projects going, we even dedicated some extra funds for Aimeisan’s project thanks to the anonymous donator to our treasury. We had a very successful month when it comes to financial things. Considering the big war and all the other things - that is a big accomplishment.

The Irish Congress has been great, better than ever. We acted as one. I tried to keep everyone informed about what goes on all of the time. Hopefully it produced some good stuff too.

Proud to be Irish

And You'll never beat the Irish
no matter what you do
you can put us down and keep us out
but we'll come back again

There are many people who deserve to be mentioned in here. But I won’t mention anyone individually for a simple reason. We did everything as a team. There was no weak spot in eIreland this term. My awesome Cabinet did everything they can with advices, suppling, organizing and running the projects. We were discussing, helping each others and most importantly taking care of everyone, this way or another.

I will remember this month until the end. It’s the month we got the game back to the people, when the balance has been restored and when the real fun got the chance once again. We’ve been working hard on founding an alliance in many previous month and it got done finally. The outcome is very obvious and already mentioned in this article so far.

At the beginning of my term I published an article that ended up with following words:

“I’d like to congratulate to all the newly elected Governments worldwide, hopefully we’re all going to have some fun, fight for allies and avoid playing the farming game we got so much used to. This is a game afterall, we’re a players. No one joined the game to collect some golds and press fight button in the irrelevant battles. Remember what got your addicted to this lovely, unique game and try to make your contributions to create a better place for every new player that might join.”

It feels great to see those wishes finally become true. CODE made loads of changes and the true consequences are yet to come. Everyone are still adopting to this whole new thing, to this new type of the game we’re playing and it’s going to be very interesting to see where this game is gonna take us next. One thing is sure - nothing will ever be the same.

It’s time to rest now...

There can’t be a better moment to take things slower, rest myself and go on eVacations. By saying that I don’t mean I’m gonna stop playing the game entirely, I’ll just spend a bit more time in here and focus more on my real life, which has been more exciting than ever as well.

As many of you know, I’m getting my first child in May, a little warrior named Karlo. His mother and I got married this year, we moved to a new apartment on the croatian seacoast and created a little love nest in here. I’m gonna enjoy that more with us two becoming us three now.

I’m still going to serve this great country as a Governor, it doesn’t take too much time compared to how much I spent here in the last few weeks. I’m gonna be less active in the other projects, but there are plenty of quality people who are going to replace me there. Also, I got my wife to play it with me. Airforce Network will be ran by BukanHan & Ryzan Orion, Airborne and Air Project are going to be merged, so Aimeisan and T0413 will take charge of that. I’ll post few things every here and then and fund it as much as I can, but I’ll simply not going to be here enough to keep the current level of quality in Airforce Network or Airborne of IA (and friends).

I am glad to see that the current team is going to continue the work and hopefully they’ll be equally successful in May & June too. I’ll always help out with advices and everything else I can. Anyway, this has been a hell of a ride, so thank you for being hell of a nation to run the ride with!

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