
Day 1,760, 09:28 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by Yech


國防部: (部長SORA Chung)

外交部: (部長Loverby缺席,主要資訊係詢問副長donki lu)

教育部: (部長Duoliangsie)


經濟部及主計處: (部長klonoa wind 主計處長Tim1107)

福利部: (部長yami no fukuin)

移民局: (局長Caesar Wang)

論管局: (局長sei sei)

這是本次政府第一次的施政報告。報告的形式是以分部分點條列方式表現,希望各位閱讀上能容易理解。感謝各位支持。尤其是幫忙翻成英文版的Paoyin Chu



English version

Dear all citizens, this is yech, the Presidential Spokesman of this month.
First of all I would like to admire the newspaper publication's amazing frequency and the report's enrichment content of eC CP, Atracurium.
Although I am afraid that I will not be able to reach the goal which Atracurium set, I still hope that I can publish a policy address once a week, for all my citizens to understand what's happened and also what's going to be happened.

The President, Rodery, and his Cabinet have taken up a new post for almost 10 days, and I think it would be a perfact moment to publish the first policy address.
All reports will be presented by departments.

MoD(MoD SORA Chung)
1. MoD has contacted with some mercenary groups which we cooperated for a long time in order to response to the incoming eSB and the riot of eSK and eJP.
2. Although the stock of tanks is slightly less than normal, ROCAS is still working fine. MoD will apply for funding in the end of this month.
3. MoD is considering the connection between MoD and ROCA. We hope that some member of ROCA can join the operation of MoD.
4. MoD NEEDS YOU(to be a hard worker)!!! All applications are welcomed.

MoFA(MoFA Loverby......absenct, attended vMoFA Donki Lu)
1. eJP had shown their desire for peace talks before the CP election this month. Somehow it has been rejected by our parliament due to the wrong timing and the lacking of specific content. eSK hasn't contacted with us yet.
2. The MPP of eColumbia has been approved. eCrotia and eIndia has reached their armistice and will re-sign their MPP again. It is said that eCrotia will pay an indemnity because eIndia doesn't have enough money for the MPP now.
3. Citizens may reference to the newspaper published by eC CP, Atracurium, for further foreign information.

MoE(MoE Duoliangsie)
The main idea of MoE is to agglomerate the coherence of eROC citizens, and to aid the new citizens to get the hang of eRepublik ASAP to improve the national strength of eROC.
Recently activities:
1. The parliament has approved the activity for internal newspaper publication rate of this month ( http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-1-2118654/1/20 ).
2. Increase the understanding of international situation of our citizens by cooperate with MoFA and Foreign News Agency to increase the translations of foreign news.
Future plan:
1. Disseminate eROC by FNA.
2. Increase the citizens' interactive by running some contests, such as WOT, OSU, and LOL.
3. Update and maintain Wiki pages.

MoEA and DGBAS(MoEA klonoa wind, DGBAS Tim1107)
Recently activities:
1. Monitor the taxation situation. Daily statistics is available at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AoZvn6o6KJk1dDJDV2JuYnprU0FIS25WV3I1azJtT3c#gid=0
According to the observation, great-sized countries like eSB increase their taxation by the huge amount of population; medium-sized countries like eC increase their taxation by high tax rate.
2. Adjust VAT of food to 10% by the approvement of the parliament. Please reference to http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-ch-1-2117988/1/20 for more information.
3. Increase national exchequer by trading gold.

MoW(MoW yami no fukuin)
MoW had published a newspaper which includs 53 normal pictures, 20 not-that-normal pictures, 16 coser pictures, 17 spoof pictures, and 5 walfare comics. It gained 84 votes and 31 comments. The next welfare newspaper is estimated to be published on 9/15 by vMoW M4Tank against female players.

Immigration Agency(Secretary Caesar Wang)
There is only one immigrant, our ex-CP, Xenocryst, accepted since we take office.

Forum Management Agency(Secretary sei sei)
Recently our website is much more easier to be searched because of the tag design of our forum, therefore some robots are appeared.
Please report if you see them for me to remove.

This is the first policy address. The reports are listed by departments and subjects for you to understand easily.
Thank you for your support.

Above has been reviewed and confirmed by eROC CP, Rodery.