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[Terjemahan] eNorth Korea akan melancarkan perang ke atas eSerbia

7 Giorno 826, 02:09 Pubblicato in Malaysia Malaysia

di terjemah dari sini

Saya merupakan duta baru eNorth Korea untuk eSerbia. Untuk pengetahuan semua, eNK akan melancarkan perang ke atas

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PHOENIX dari penilaian

10 Giorno 825, 01:22 Pubblicato in Malaysia Malaysia

Seperti kita sedia maklum berdasarkan post saudara Carr De Vaux mengenai pertubuhan alliance di seantero eRepublik. Negara kita merupakan salah satu

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Not completed yet,

8 Giorno 800, 03:16 Pubblicato in Malaysia Malaysia

Dear Mr President, my friends and and my friends from other country. This election is an epic battle with some things that may show the truth that was hidden or that the show the unity of someone and the person that greedy for power.Some of the

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manusia berumur panjangl Kopi dan pasta

7 Giorno 758, 05:32 Pubblicato in Indonesia Indonesia

"Jagalah agar hatimu tetaptenang, duduklah seperti kura-kura, berjalanlah dengan riang sepertimerpati dan tidurlah seperti seekor anjing."

Itulah kata-kata nasihat yang diberikan oleh Li Chung-Yun atau LiChing-Yuen ketika … leggi di più »

In dilemma

9 Giorno 725, 22:53 Pubblicato in Malaysia Malaysia

Last articles all you could see that sla_boys has dilemma in choosing who is the party president between me and virus13. Now, I am in dilemma who should I vote between sla_boys and virus13.Both are my good friends. I do not want let them down.


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