Day 4,421, 14:35 Published in Netherlands Australia by JackTrout

Continued from previous articles.


 The horde only attacks at night, in full darkness.

 They use simple tools.

 They do not seem to climb (my clerestory- the row of windows just
below roof level- has never been attacked) (and thank the skies for
this small amount of daylight!}.

 They do not seem to work together or communicate (though I’m not
positive about the latter).

 They can sense the presence of food.

 They have blood or something like it.

Today- perfection! We got a light dusting of snow this morning, that cleared to a crystal cold day. Tomorrow I’m going to track the horde to find where they rest or hide or whatever.

I’m also hoping to find a dead zombie, or at least some parts, for a rough autopsy. The more I can find out about them, the better my chance to destroy them.

I think I can make some effective weapons. And for my own sanity, I need to do some damage to the horde and get some of my world back.

After tomorrow’s tracking party, I’m off to the library and market, for information and supplies. It’s time to plan the attack.

To be continued- I hope.