Writers Wanted

Day 2,322, 13:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by TheJny123

Hello eUK, this article is a bit of a job advert for more than just writers but this article will focus on writers.

GBDP is looking for anyone who is willing to write an article and include this banner in it:
link to banner
You don't have to be in the party but we would prefer it if you were a member. In return for writing the article we will pay, on the 2nd day of the article been posted a sum of 50 GBP. On top of that every vote over 20 will earn you an extra 10GBP, eg if you get 21 votes then you will get 60 GBP. If it is a recruitment article for GBDP those figures double, 100 GBP for the article and 20 GBP for every vote over 20.
A few basic requirements/ rules exist with this, for those please message me here.

As i said at the start this is also a more general "job" advert. GBDP is looking for any active player to join and take part in the party in whatever way they can. If you are a keen recruiter and want to be rewarded for every player you get into the party then we have a place for you. If you want to run community events then we have a job for you.

We welcome any ideas and as long as they are valid and work we will happily work on them with you. So join today and shout in the feed or message me here.

Thats all for this article, sorry if its poor quality im very tired but felt the need to get an article out.

Please vote/subscribe/comment

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