Widdows, Thievery, and the eUK

Day 733, 19:03 Published in United Kingdom USA by George Barker

Widdows has been getting a fair amount of trashing, and no small amount of support,
for his actions in taking the SF weapons companies, the weapons, and gold, making
demands, and then following through on his threats and selling the companies off when his demands weren't met.

Now, let me first say that I consider his actions entirely dishonest and despicable. Taking that
which does not belong to you, and betraying trust that was placed in you, is about
the lowest thing one person can do to another, and that's exactly what Widdows did here.

That being said, what I don't understand is how anyone, in the eUK, can be morally outraged
by what he did. Isn't that exactly what you have done to the eUS and Canada, among others, except
you also heaped dishonest insults upon the victims of your crimes, a level to which even Widdows didn't stoop?


Let's look at some things:

Betrayal of trust. It's well known that certain key eUK leaders had been acting as spies for PEACE,
passing along military plans and information, for months. People in the eUK government participated in this, people who are now revered in the elite circles of eUK politics. Why is Widdows such a bad person for following the example of other people whom you now hold up as examples of excellence?

Thievery The eUK had no right to Canada's regions, yet gleefully took them when they were offered by PEACE, again, heaping insults upon your victims while taking their regions. When EDEN took the regions back, the eUK snarled in impotent rage, like a burglar being hauled off by the bobbies for a well-deserved term in the slammer. Widdows, by contrast, was reasonable throughout the whole process, explaining exactly what it was the government needed to do to reclaim the companies, and why he was doing it, acknowledging that he was doing himself and his reputation injury in the process.

Honesty The lies the eUK told during the whole "We're neutral but allied to the US and Canada/It's just a training war" phase have gone into eRep lore, and some eUKers become apoplectic these days (guilty conscience, no doubt), when they are hashed out again, so I'll stop there. I will, though, point out Widdows never lied about anything, unless he took the job of SF commander with the specific intent of robbing the government, which, given the length of honest service he has provided, seems unlikely.

It's important to point out that Widdows had no desire to personally profit from his actions. He did what he did in an attempt, whether misguided or not, to help the eUK, whereas the things the government of the eUK did were done to enrich themselves. They were bored with eRep and wanted some fun, didn't care that the public wanted nothing to do with PEACE and didn't want to be a part of the attack on America and Canada, didn't want to be a part of the alliance that was occupying Australia, India, and South Africa, and was clearly dedicated to destroying Croatia (and still is), didn't want to sully the name of the eUK with treachery.

Instead, the leadership of the eUK, lying about its intentions and actions, presented the eUK public with a fait accompli, and now the eUK, despised pretty much everywhere, has no alternative but to be aligned with those countries, and join whatever alliance they put together as successor to the discredited PEACE. What was once a bit of fun for the eUK's jaded leadership (many of whom have since passed into inactivity or even left the eUK entirely), is now a matter of survival for the eUK masses.

What Widdows did was not only perfectly in line with the corrupt record of lying, stealing, and self-dealing forged by the leadership of the eUK, it wasn't even as bad, and it was done with far better intentions, and more consideration for the interests of the people. Frankly, I don't understand the outrage.

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