WHPR [Day 1,175] - Cabinet and Involvement

Day 1,175, 17:02 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

Your Leadership

Another month, another term. After a close election, we now have a new group of people in charge of making every decision for you. To avoid sounding like terrible elitists, we may as well let you in on who exactly will be directing your every movement.

President: Julian Mizu – You obviously know him. You elected him for Dio’s sake.

Vice President: GoalieBCSC – Former CO of the Mobile Infantry, solid guy.

Chief of Staff: Speedcat McNasty – A former Seal Team 6 commander, former Chief of Staff and a rather swell guy.

Deputy Chief of Staff: Inwegen – God, I love Inwegen.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Alexander Hamilton – A former president with terrible taste in sports teams.

Secretary of State: Cerb – Just came back to the game and gave me an idea for a vocabulary assignment I have to do. Thanks.

Secretary of the Interior: SGGHays – Last month’s vice president. Long time congressional liaison. Also, not UIP, a shock for this position.

Secretary of the Treasury: Evry – A mind focused on money. He’s probably the guy to go beg for money from. You’re welcome, Evry.

Secretary of Technology: dmgctrl – Hmmm. I’m pretty sure he controls the internet.

Secretary of Media: Kentel – I’m sorry.

That’s the list of the major cabinet positions. If you’d like to see the other cabinet positions such as deputies and directors, you can view the full listing here.

We’ve got a nice mix of experience, youth and all around decency this month. I’m pretty excited. Then again, I’m easily excitable.

We Honestly Want You:

Surprising, right? We need interns, ambassadors, deputies, slaves, baristas, editors, and researchers. It doesn’t matter who you are or what role you’ve played so far in the game. We always need new people to get involved.
There are multiple ways to get involved in eRepublik. There is the Training Corps, where you can learn all about the wonders of the military module and hang out with people who will deal fifty thousand times more damage than you ever will. You can apply here.

Another option is working in the executive branch. The executive branch is currently looking for ambassadors. Being an ambassador allows you to chill with other countries and see how superior ours is. It also lets you do a job and introduces you to a lot of basic countries in eRepublik. You can sign up here.

The last option is to contribute on the eUSA wiki. This is a great opportunity to improve our collective recollection of history, learn about the past and meet new faces from all over the spectrum of players. Even if you aren’t going to work on it, I highly suggest bookmarking http://wiki.eusaforums.com/Main_Page. It’s a useful page with lots of resources. There are some pretty funny logs on there too. If you’re too shy to comment on a subject on the forums, then just read about it on the wiki. If you can’t find something on the wiki, look it up and add it! A former president (Harrison Richardson) is doling out cash to anyone who adds a valuable contribution. Go make it and make money.

Papers to Heed:

- The President’s Paper
- Department of Defense Orders
- The Pony Express
Subscribe to all of these papers to receive updates on everything.

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Greatest Secretary of Media of All Time. Of All Time.